She lives!

...Wow. It's been a really long time since I posted. I'm afraid I've gotten out of the habit after having such a busy year ^^; Well, I'm well into the fall semester of my final year of college now, and things are going really well. I'm adding to my graphic design arsenal with Flash and Maya this year. All I can say about Maya is that I've never seen so many menus squished onto one screen at once O_o I'm getting the hang of it though.

In spite of my lack of posts, I've still been able to visit you guys a lot, so that's been nice. Drawing has been mostly class stuff, but I did get a request to draw Bakura, and I hope to work on that sometime in the near future. I still love drawing Yu-Gi-Oh characters ^_^

Apparently my little kitten is all grown up! I haven't seen him in over a month, but I've heard that he's bigger than our adult cat now (though admittedly she's quite a small cat). I'll be able to go home for fall break in about 3 weeks, and I'm looking forward to some Halloween festivities while I'm there, since there isn't too much to do for Halloween on campus. I'm going to get to see a David Crowder Band concert though - can't wait!

Thanks for visiting ^_^ I hope you're all doing great!
