He is Risen!

My first post in the new world! Well, there’s plenty I could talk about, but I’ll try to keep it brief. I’m home on Easter break at the moment, but I still have plenty of homework to keep me busy. Thankfully, there’s just 5 weeks left before summer break.

I posted some new artwork yesterday, a request for XO. Thanks so much for the comments and hugs! I’m noticing that I really like doing ink drawings, so perhaps when I get some more time I can do more of those ^_^

So, what are your plans for Easter? We had a nice church service this morning, and pretty soon my family’s heading off to gather at my aunt’s house. Should be really fun! I wanted to put this video up for Easter, but I must forewarn you that it’s pretty bloody. Very powerful though.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a great Easter!
