Welcome to the Mythological Creatures Club! Are you ready for the hunt?

If you're new around here, please visit the links below! Have any questions? Don't hesitate to message me.

-Introduction, Rules, and FAQ-
-New Character Template-
-List of All Members-
-Table of Contents-
-Story So Far-
-Fan Art-

In the beautiful forests of Virginia, there lives a Werewolf named Akira. She knows probably better than anyone not to trust humans. They've been hunting her and her family for generations. So to protect herself and others like her, she began The Mythological Creatures Club.

Recently, she obtained a strange, foreign hard drive that contained one file: a tracking program. She quickly discovered that it can track any Mythological Creature on the earth, including herself.

And she intends to use it.

But this mysterious hard drive is creating more questions than answers...How is it tracking her and the others? Something's not right here at all.

What started as a club to protect creatures soon turned into a full out investigation to solve a mind-blowing mystery...


Animelover7310- Akira and Sebastian & Charlie

Harvestmoonluvr- Karin, Rano & Tano

WyvernWings- Griffin, Acacia & Solana

Keefer's and Melina's Profile!

From: Narie920

[√] I understand, you have my permission. I wish to join the club.

Character's Full Name: Keefer O'Connor
Species: Wolf-shifter (basically werewolf)
Abilities: Faster than normal humans, higher sense of hearing, smell and sight. Claws, fangs, ears and tail come out during "half shift".
Age: 19 (looks and is)
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Dark brown and shaggy
Eye Colors: Right eye brown, left eye light blue.
Skin color: Tan
Personality: a loner, very quiet, does not trust easily, tries to avoid people usually but quick to defend those who he considers his friends.
Looks: scars on one wrist and a notch in his right ear. Left ear pierced (normal and cartilage). Tattoo: bloody paw print, left shoulder.
Appearance: Usually looks human enough, just not very friendly. Typically looks tired or irritated.
Outfit/Style: Black hoodie, sometimes wears a beanie under the hood, which is almost always pulled up. T-shirt with sleeves torn off, black cargo pants, usually tennis shoes but sometimes no shoes at all.
Likes: Heavy metal, playing guitar, writing songs, night, shadows
Dislikes: mornings, coffee, cats, cheerful people, alcohol
Strengths: A good fighter, fast runner. Good at hiding.
Weaknesses: Anger issues. Trouble staying human when angry. Gets hyper when given energy drinks (strength? weakness? haven't decided yet)
Fears: getting close to people and losing them. Being trapped.
Relationships: Very close to his sister, but doesn't really trust anyone else
Family: Father and mother (separated), little sister
History: His mother left when he was ten because his father was an abuser. His sister was put in a foster home, but he ran away from his when he was thirteen, and has been on his own since.


Character's Full Name: Melina O'Conner
Pronunciation: Meh-lee-nah
Species: Wolf-shifter
Abilities: The same as her brother
Age: 16
Height: 5’ 6’’
Hair: Brown
Eye Color(s): Brown
Skin Color(s): light, sometimes tan
Personality: friendly, can find positives in things
Looks: Pierced ears and sharpie doodles on her arms
Appearance: Normal girl
Outfit/Style: Light grey hat with a paw print on it and an ‘M’ on the bill (a gift from her brother that she almost never is without), old jean jacket with short-sleeved shirt, jeans with holes in the knees, tennis shoes or no shoes at all, sometimes a purple bandana around her neck.
Likes: Being outside, being with her brother, people being nice to her, pixie sticks, chocolate milk
Dislikes: Alcohol, being called names and pushed around, darkness, stairs, being alone
Strengths: very sensitive sense of hearing (even more than normal), a good cook, almost photographic memory
Weaknesses: fear of the dark, color-blindness, slight dislexia
Fears: Darkness, men (other than her brother), other shape-shifters, heights and falling
Relationships: Keefer is her brother, and she is very close to him. She doesn’t really have any friends.
History: The same as Keefer’s until she was placed in a foster home. Her foster siblings hated her and tormented her whenever they had a chance and the foster parents weren’t watching.

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Bellinda's Profile!

From: iamEssence

[√] I understand, you have my permission. I wish to join the club.

Character's Full Name: Bellinda
Pronunciation: Bell-linda
Species: Dragon human hybrid
Abilities: can control fire and can sprout wings from her back.
Age: 120 she looks to be 16 or so
Height: 5'3
Hair: Dark brown with red high lights
Eye Color(s): Light brown
Skin Color(s) Tan
Personality: Being able to control fire she's kinda a pyro. She can be out going at times. Kinda bull headed and she always likes to be right. She can be kind to people she likes, but gets annoyed with people easily.
Looks: Brown hair that goes down to about her back, she tends to have over one of her shoulders.
Appearance: A regular girl who is randomly playing with matches.
Outfit/Style: Jeans, t-shirt or tank top and sometimes a hoody.
Likes: Fire(Duh), clouds, reading, silence.
Dislikes: Rain, cold, crowds
Strengths: Can do pretty much anything with fire as long as it is somehow physically possible.
Weaknesses: If she does get wet or it’s raining or something she won’t be able to use her fire power.
Fears: Crowds
Relationships: People annoy her easily but she doesn't mind them.
Family: She was orphaned so she doesn't really have one.
History: She didn't have a really good past so she doesn’t tend to talk about it.

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Star of the Stage

Alice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked out into the circus ring prepared to do my best as this was the last show on our German Tour. I’d been with the circus for a hundred ye...

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Mischief and Misery

Toño -+-+-+- “Rano, it’s time to go.” “Nnnhgh,” “Wake up, we need to leave before the maid comes.” I grabbed her feet and tried to shove a pair of flats on them. &...

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California Girls


The piercing sound of the doorbell rang through my empty, and for once silent, house.

I sat down my nail polish. "Who on earth could that be?" I grumbled. Whoever it was, they had better have a good reason for interrupting my Mani-Pedi.

I stumbled to the door, careful not to stain the rug with my newly bright blue toenails. Opening it, I was startled to see a boy, probably a University student, standing there.

"Excuse me," he started, "is there a Kateri Lynn Roberts here?"

Oh man, he knows my name. Probably a salesman who wants to sell me a vacuum or something. SO not worth interrupting my nails for.

I mustered up my most apologetic voice. "Sorry, we're not buying."

The boy gave me a confused look. "I'm not selling," he replied. "Listen, I'm just here to talk to you, I really only need a minuet."

"Sounds like a sales pitch to me." I responded, lifting my eyebrows.

He laughed. I noticed that his eye teeth were exceptionally pointy.

"Come on in," I called, opening the door and leading him to our living room. "Please excuse the copious amounts of baby paraphernalia, my Mom just had triplets. Two boys and one girl! She and my father have taken them to Chicago to visit my Grandparents, but they were all like, 'Oh, Kateri, planes are expensive,' so I got out of it. Lucky me! I haven't been able to sit down or do anything by myself in ages. And speaking of myself, you pronounced my name wrong. It's KAH TEE REE, not KAH TEH REE. Get it right, people, like OMG, I cannot even TELL you how many people say my name wrong. I mean, HEL-LO? Kateri's not that weird. Wait, I'm being impolite, would you like a hot beverage?"

"Woah, woah, woah!" the boy slowed, waving his hands out in front of him. "Slow down! And no hot beverages necessary, thanks."

"Ohh, you're right! This is Malibu, it's already 5 trillion degrees outside, why would you need a hot beverage? Duh."

"Yeah, it's warm, no beverage, it's my turn to talk now!" he huffed, looking exasperated.

"My name is Sebastian, and I'm a Vampire." As he said this, he lifted his lips to show his abnormally pointy teeth. Well, that explained that.

"OH MY GRACIOUS, are you going to suck my blood? What did I do to you? I'm a good person! I'm an Honor student!" I shrieked.

"I THOUGHT WE AGREED IT WAS MY TURN TO TALK!" Sebastian yelled. My, someone needs to learn about sharing.

"Sorry!" I squeaked. "Goodness, you spring that on a girl and she can't even talk.." Sebastian held up his hand for silence, and for once I complied.

"My friend started this..club, of sorts," he elaborated. "It's for people who are mythical creatures. There's a group tracking us, that's how I found you here. I think my friend is figuring that if we all come together in one place, we can strategize and make a plan. Maybe even figure out why they're keeping tabs on us. Would you be interested? You're a water nymph, aren't you?"

I nodded. "A club..for mythical creatures..? This is a lot to process. I mean, my family isn't even here to talk to..." I thought about it. What would they say? My mom had always been curious about my powers. She never understood why I was the way I was. I knew if she was here, she would tell me to follow these people. Find out what I could about myself, and them, too. I knew she would hold it over my head FOREVER if I didn't go.

I sighed. "Okay, I'm in. Where do I go from here?"

Sebastian handed me an envelope and pointed outside. "There's a cab waiting to take you to the airport, and from there, you'll fly to Virginia. The rest of the club will meet you there, at our headquarters. I can't come quite yet, I still have a few more things to do, but I'll be back soon as well."

Woah, woah, wait, hold the phone-VIRGINIA?! How and I supposed to go to Virginia? Is there even an OCEAN there?!"

Sebastian looked at me blankly. "Umm...Virginia Beach?"

"Oh yeah, that!" I smiled with relief. "Just give me, like, 3 hours to pack, and I should be good to go!"

Sebastian stared at me in astonishment. "Three hours?!"

I grinned. "Dude, you may be taking the girl out of Malibu, but you are most definitely NOT taking the Malibu out of the girl!"

This was going to be a fun trip.


So yes. Here comes Kateri! Poor Seabass. I think she wore him out, haha.

Constructive criticism would be super appreciated. I did my best, LOL. Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!