Keep Existing


“So you mean to tell me you’re Chinese-”


“Do martial arts or whatever-”


“—But you’re not a Disney princess…?” I stopped dropping clothes in my suitcase and looked at the 15 year old dangling her feet over the side of my bed. She sat propped against a pile of pillows and an over stuffed bunny, his head sagging to his rather fluffy chest. That thing went everywhere with Vi now.

I remember seeing her during the Christmas celebration, her hand tightly wound around its neck in an affectionate headlock and the other hand dragging Nodin, aka Mr. Sick, behind her. That was also the day Ash returned to us, his expression as desolate as the day he had left us, but somehow he looked more mature. Well, we all looked a bit different. There was something about the way Akira looked that didn’t seem to add up with my memory… Or the way Sebastian’s temper flared more than usual. Perhaps it was just a---

“Helllloooooo? Anyone in there?” I looked up and saw Kateri standing in the doorway of my room, one hand on her hip. Rising from my crouch, I forced a smile and waited for the water nymph to continue. “Wow, good to see someone is still up in that noggin. Y’know, sometimes I take a nap and I forget where and who I am, but then I--- wait a minute. I was here for something.” She paused mid-sentence and narrowed her eyes.

“Pssst, Aerith, it sounds like Mr. Sick is hungry and I am too, so I’m going to go make us a snack. Join us if you want for some PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIEM! KTHNXBAIII!” With that, Violette hopped off my bed and skipped downstairs.

Wait a minute… did Violette just say she heard Nodin? We were upstairs. Nodin didn’t talk. Ever. And my hearing hasn’t gone bad yet… What in the—I don’t even--. Sometimes it was easier not to ask.

“Well! I don’t remember, so I’ll come back to you when it hits me. ‘Kay, bye.” Kateri gave me a playful slap on the back and went around the corner muttering about finding Keefer. Poor boy.

Sighing, I resumed packing different sorts of clothes into my bag, each laced with a memory of some sort and all dating back to the months I shared in the MCC.

The skirt Amor had forced me in for the surprise date with Kuroshiro, it lasted no longer than 10 minutes, both of us finding it too awkward to remain in the same room for romantic purposes. Upon later questioning, the Diwata had claimed that she thought two Asian people would find something in common and it would lead to love. Then there was the light pink dress Karin had gotten for me so we could go easter-egg hunting together. Or the hospital gown--- wait what. The hospital gown? Why was this in my closet? Was it mine?

“You found one too?” Kaki was watching me from beneath her hoodie, the silver in her eyes catching the rising sun. It was a rare sight to see the Upir out during the day, usually she was stalking the shadows of the lower region of the house. Occasionally I would find her tucked away in the recesses of the library, which was steadily growing in popularity. It was there that I had spied the newest member of the MCC reading across from Ela.

“Yeah, I’m not sure if it’s mine or not, but I guess if you found one then it must be. I’ll ask Alice. She knows a lot about clothes.” I glanced at my half full suitcase and sighed. I guess it doesn’t matter how much I bring, there will always be an excuse to go shopping in Germany. “Want to come?” I turned to address Kaki who had, once again, practiced her art of slipping into shadows. I was alone again.

Tucking the hospital gown under my arm, I stifled a yawn and walked into the hallway. There I was met by the twin terrors, Rano and Tono, who each gripped an arm in their strong wooden fingers. “Hi Aerith,” Rano started. “Long time no sea.” Tono followed up. “See what we did there?” They both said in unison, giggling as they pulled me in a dizzying spin. Then, just as suddenly as they appeared they left.

And I saw why.

Griffin was thundering up the stairs. Kuroshiro floated a few inches in front of his, his almost transparent hands raised in a placating gesture. He shot a look over his shoulder and our eyes locked before we both quickly looked away.

“So help me, if I get my hands on the two of you, I shall turn you into matchsticks!” He reached the top of the landing and I flattened myself against the wall. Or what I thought was the wall. From all the spinning I must have ended up closer to Acacia’s room than I thought. I crashed through the door backwards and ended up falling on my butt in the middle of her room.

Man. This day was just getting weirder and weirder. Perhaps I need a nap.

Can I help you?” Veggie woman snapped. I could see her angrily shoving shorts and tank tops into a bag. The news that we were going to Germany didn't sit well with everyone. She paused to flick her eyes to the commotion in the hallway. I saw this as my opportunity to scoot out. Besides, all the sunlight her room was receiving was too much for my eyes.

“Uh, I’m really sorry Acacia, it was an accident. Rano—Tono—spinning, hospitals. I’m confused. I’ll go now.” I scrambled to my feet and backed out. Just as I was closing the door, I she called my name quietly.

“Aerith, did you say hospitals?” I peeped around the door, scared of stirring her anger again. So far so good.

“Yeah, I was headed to Alice’s room to see if she could tell me if she knew anything about this gown I found.” I negotiated my way past the door and narrowed my eyes against the glare of the sun.

“Can I see this hospital gown?” She looked like she had seen a ghost, and not just Kuroshiro.

“If you want.” Uh oh. I realized too late I had dropped it when Rano and Tono grabbed my arms. Darn it. Now what was I supposed to show Alice?

“Something wrong?” The hard edge was creeping back into the mandrake’s voice. Her patience had probably run thin.

“Heh. Yeah, I must’ve dropped it outside. I’ll show you once I find it.” I retreated again and shut the door firmly. Finally. Now I can go see who I was originally going to see.

Alice’s room was a few doors down from Acacia’s and I decided an unexpected visit with a karate chop to the door wouldn’t be bad.



“WHY?!” The circus prodigy’s balancing act toppled from the suitcase she was packing. Ooooops.

“Well,” I sheepishly looked around. Was that a nightstand…? What the hay was going on? “Looks like a bad time…” I began scooting out.

“Wait! I need help closing my suitcase.” She flashed a pointy grin.

“Oh, okay,” I yawned and walked towards her. Maybe I could ask her about the hospital gown before I forgot. The vamp girl balanced with cat-like precision on the nightstand (which she had mounted on the suitcase again) and I quickly zipped it up.

“Thank you,” She twirled around to do something in her room and I knew I had missed my chance. Tide waits for no man.

“Yeahhhhh.” I fought the demons of sleep from my settling on my eye lashes, but it was just too late. Being awake for more than 2 hours was tough. Maybe if I just take a short breather on the stairs and ask Alice about the hospitalllll…


Well, there you have it. My super choppy post on behalf of Aerith. Sorry if it doesn't go in accordance with your character's previous post. Lol I haven't used big words in a while. It is almost criminal being let out on summer break-- the amount of info I've forgotten is horrific.
I have an idea to run by you guys, but I'll make a new page. This post is long enough as it is ;____; Thanks for staying alive MCC! I miss you guys so much.
