Prayer Circle for Bridgette's Sanity

So I'ma just post this before I go to bed yay! :DD


My head was spinning. I didn't know what was happening. None of this made any sense? I mean, how could this even be possible? I lived with my parents. I went to school. I was just a normal angel disguising herself as a human. Right?

I didn't know anymore. I...

THUD. I started and found myself seated in the jet. Someone was bumping their head against the seat in front of them. Continuously. Monotonously. God, it made me want to rip my hair out! What would it take to get them to stop?!

I looked down at my hands with a blank stare. Apparently I had been holding onto my folder with a death-grip for quite a while. My head was pounding.

I thought that I might as well take a look now that I was finally waking from my mind-numbing state of shock. I unclenched my fists from the folder, which was crinkled and slightly torn underneath them. My fingers were sore. I opened it with shaking hands and started to read the files within it.

Little snippets stood out to me.

Specimen is sickly. Will not respond well to rough treatment.

My head was splitting open.

"And your experiments, they can fix her? You'll make her well again?"

"Oh, yes. Rest assured, Mrs. Grayson. Your daughter will never visit a hospital again."

My ears were ringing and my palms were aggressively gripping my face. How old was I when that happened? I couldn't remember. I read more.

Specimen is kept separately from the others. DNA transfer going well. Nerves responding well to wing attachment.

"YOU are not authorized to be in here. Get out."

"I wanted to see how the experiments were going. See if I could help with anything."

"Your methods would be too much for her. Go back to the other subjects."

I hear footsteps. I'm suddenly looking up at my doctor.

"It's alright, angel. Everything is going to be okay. Just relax." He does something to the machine.

I feel sleepy.

I clenched my eyes shut tightly. Why was I remembering all of this now? Is that all it took? A reminder of the truth? I opened them. I had to read more. I had to understand.

Specimen is now able to regenerate cells. She is immune to disease. Nerves have attached successfully to wings.

My doctor gives me a shot. The little dot goes away.

"Can you feel anything out of the ordinary? Anything at all?"

I shake my head.

"Wonderful. Looks like you are also immune to poisons, little angel. Now how about you flap those wings for me again?"

I flap them gently.

"Good job! In a few days you'll get to go home to Mommy and Daddy."

I grit my teeth. If I could only have an Advil or something. No matter how much I needed to know, this was giving me a killer migraine.

Specimen to reside with family until further notice. Will be reclaimed if/when XL decides to put abilities to use and/or specimen requires more experimentation.

"What have you done to her? What are these?"

"We said that we would fix her, and we did. We kept our word."

"You never said that you would turn her into some human-bird hybrid!"

"I'm an angel," I whisper. Mommy wraps her arms around me tighter.

"She's been given the gift of flight. You should be grateful."

"I'll report you." Mommy sounds so angry.

"I wouldn't." Now Mommy looks scared? "A chip has been planted into her brain. You have no idea of our capabilities... Besides, you signed a contract."

It gets really quiet.

"She'll forget everything that happened in a few hours. I suggest that you use this time wisely."

I hug my doctor around his legs as he turns to leave. "I'll miss you."

He smiles down at me in reply.

"But what am I supposed to tell her?"

He turns back to look at Mommy.


I wasn't actually an angel. I was lied to. My brother wasn't some prodigy. I wasn't different because I couldn't hide my wings, I was different because I had them. I had never been like my family. My wings... They weren't even real.

The realization hit me like a truck. I did not grow these wings. Panic rose up into my throat and I started hyperventilating.

Materials strong enough to lift me, but made small enough to fit under my clothes. Perfectly formed so that I could move them any which way. Attached to my back in ways that I couldn't even understand. They must have looked so big and ridiculous when I was little, but now they were the perfect size.

I had to get them off


But I couldn't. I grew up with them. My wings let me fly. They were a part of me now, even if I didn't grow them myself. I had to calm down. I had to stay rational. I looked down at the pages and read the last few sentences.

Uses: Soldier in the making. Fast auto-healing, aerial advantage. Competition instinctively triggers bouts of aggression.

So that was it. That explained a lot, I guess. My head felt dizzy. I was upset.
I got up, made my way to the bathroom, and locked the door. I screamed expletives.

I cursed up a storm until I felt like myself again, then I went back to my seat and took a nap.

It looked like we'd be staying underground for a while. That would have been cool if Ela wasn't completely freaking out. She's all claustrophobic and stuff. I didn't very much like it either, truth be told.

Emery found his way over to us pretty quickly, too. Luckily, I was starting to really like the guy. It was definitely going to be a night full of trauma bonding.

At least I was doing okay. I was 6,000% done with angsting. Nope. None of that. Sorry. I had gotten a hold of myself and I didn't need things to be worse than they already were. We were going to defeat Xenogenesis Laboratories and then I was going to go home. No-Questions-Asked.

Yep, I was all good. Except for one thing...

'They can take the chip out of my brain if they want to,' I thought, face growing intense, 'But they will never take my wings from me.'

END. FINALLY. I'm so sorry that it was so long oh my gosh. It's not even well-written, it's just long and it has tense problems and it's probably hard to understand sometimes and GAH. I'M SORRY. ;_;
