Hello Everyone and welcome to the grand opening of The Noodle House!
This is a place where random things takes place. It can be about food,anime and etc. Too bad I can't serve you all a great bowl of hot ramen to go! Oh well, hopefully that day will come soon.
The Noodle House is now Officially open!
Thanks for coming by and please visit often.
The3Citrusteers Shop @Etsy
Follow me @The3Citrusteers
( Tumblr, Instagram and Etsy accounts, I shared with my sis and cousin :D)

The3Citrusteers @ Etsy.com
So I usually use Google as my search engine, which is way better than BING
I kept on seeing Bing commercial...maybe they need to advertise it because there's not a lot of user for it. Yep, That's probably it.
So the questions:
1) Google or Bing?
2) If you use neither of these, which ones do you guys use?
Yeah, totally random
Have a good one
.....is trying to get some serious work done and then suddenly hearing loud snoring noises from your doggie bro :) Hehe, he's dreaming of something good... do dogs dreams?
Hmmm.... yep they do
Have a good one everyone

He's a shih tzu of some kind...
Hi everyone,
I just realized I had over 3000 views on here...that's really cool, Thank you all!
Ss Valentine update:
I finished it two days ago, which is amazing, because I'm a master at the art of procrastination :) Yep.
School update:
Classes are going really well, and it's not that stressful. This semester is awesome too because all my teachers are awesome (sorry if I ruin the word "awesome" for you...) But now it's getting to great stuff like the first quizzes and tests, but I will study hard for those
Work update:
It's the same and boring...I feel bad because I get paid talking to my coworkers and to stand around, but I do try to find work and tidy up the bookstore (that's where I work...)ALso I tried to work hard because this semester will be last working there, so it will awesome
That's it guys, later
Hey, how's everyone?
I feel bad not posting more or being active on here, but I'm glad to see new fanarts and posts when I logged on :)
So today I'm suppose to be working at 9am, but the chart at my workplace says 8am... so good thing I checked with my boss. So I got one more hour of sleep, I guess
I usually wait in the school library while waiting for the school bookstore (I work there) to open and my sister work at the library so she get to get free coupons. So they're in my backpack :) Yep.
I'm also studying for a central america map quiz for my class on mesoamerica. So far so good
I bought a yogurt where it's called Thaw and Serve... So it's frozen and I'm suppose to thaw it out in order to eat it... why was it frozen in the first place? I'm confuse. Maybe it has to do with the taste and texture cuz its quite creamy and good :)
What else should I write....
Oh yeah I can't wait to start on my secret valentine fanart thingy. it will be awesome
That's it for now, have a good one
WARNING: Don't read it unless you're ready to deal with the fact that you might be my victim... I mean Secret santa. This post may overwhelm you, please read at your risk. Cool
You can draw me any characters from the following series:
Blood +
Fullmetal Alchemist
One piece
Ouran High School Host club
Samurai Champloo
(Hmm…they’re in order..)
Somewhat Specific Stuff:
Kisuke Urahara arm wrestling with your favorite character
Ninjas invading a town in the moonlight
Ninja/s eating ramen
Ninjas throwing hearts around…
Ninjas hopping into a giant ice cream sundae
Anime characters doing laundry/dishes/sweep (they do chores too)
Heart shaped Naruto (the food)
Anything blue or red (red for valentine)
A platypus throwing flying weapons
If these are too specific…let’s go on a less specific route:
Draw anything you think I might like
I'm not that picky, I will be happy with practically anything:) Thanks in advance to whoever's going to be drawing amazing artworks for me.