Hello Everyone and welcome to the grand opening of The Noodle House!

This is a place where random things takes place. It can be about food,anime and etc. Too bad I can't serve you all a great bowl of hot ramen to go! Oh well, hopefully that day will come soon.

The Noodle House is now Officially open!

Thanks for coming by and please visit often.

The3Citrusteers Shop @Etsy

Follow me @The3Citrusteers


( Tumblr, Instagram and Etsy accounts, I shared with my sis and cousin :D)

The3Citrusteers @ Etsy.com

Awesome Member Dedication!

Hi there,

I just received an awesome and very clever fanart dedication from CelestialSushi because I won one of her challenge!

Click here if you want to see it:


C.S (CelestialSushi) drew a ramen girl because she was inspired by the Maruchan ramen noodle brand. And so she name the ramen girl Maru-Chan, it's so clever!!! It's so awesome that I think I have recover from being sick :) Yep, it's that epic!

Thanks again CelestialSushi!

See you all later


I have to make origami stuff for work and they're going to be use as decorations for the store for Valentine's Day...

So this is what I am up to:

1) http://en.origami-club.com/unique/oyakogame/index.html

2) http://en.origami-club.com/valentine/bearheart/index.html

3) http://en.origami-club.com/valentine/heartstand/index.html

4) http://en.origami-club.com/unique/4frog/index.html

#1 is a piggy back riding baby turtle on his/her parent
#2 is a bear with a heart
#3 is a heart standing
#4 are frogs

I'll probably be making other ones as well... (too ambitious) So I'm going to make them with pink, red and purple colored paper. Don't know if I can pull this off, because I suck at origami.It's not like I'm gonna lose my job if can't...right? Practice will be good. Good thing my sister is good at origami :D

I'll let you all know how I did, have a good one