According to the FORTUNE COOKIE.......

Last night I had a fortune cookie...well actually I had two but The first fortune was lame so I threw it somewhere...Oh well.

So according to the 2nd fortune cookie it says:

"The wise thing to do is to prepare for the unexpected."

Hmmm...I thought about it and I guess it's trying to warn me to get ready for the humongous earthquake that may happen with in the next 30 years in my area....(I learned about this in geology.)

Then I thought about it again and maybe it's warning me about the zombie apocalypse that may come. My friends told me about a guy in florida who got his face ripped up by a guy who was under the influence of bathsalts....apparently it's the new modern drug and a new trend....What it does to people who used it is that it makes them feel super strong and want to chew up something, such as raw meat. So people are sort of becoming cannibals as well. The other day another friend of mine says a guy ate his dog and I got really mad. Damn it all! Don't people know drugs kill and it's so lame people are using bathsalts....maybe they're on a budget...who knows.

But I will keep these two "facts" in mind :)

Later all and just basically be prepare for the unexpected :D

Good luck
