What day is it?!

Happy Tell a Fairy Tale Day!

I'm taking a children literature class and we are reading a lot of fairy tales. Later over the weekend I stumbled upon a holiday website and found out that today, Feb 26, 2013 is Tell a fairy tale day :)

I also made an ecard to celebrate today : Ramen 's ecard
...for some reason it's not showing up... oh well

So get out there read a fairy tale to someone or just to yourself :)

Here's a link for some fairy tales :

1) Fairy tales(Reccommend the Puss in Boots by Perrault)

2)Grimm Bros
(read the Juniper tree... )

3) Search "Fairy Tales" on Google

4) Or be like aesha eiz Louel and read Fairy tail, the anime/manga

Have a good one
