New Inspiration

Hey guys!!

How is everybody is doing?
I'm almost done with culinary school and yet I feel like I don't know much. I'm taking my last class on plate presentation which is like a class that teach you how to make a 5 dollar salad look like a 20 dollar plate hahaha so far so good!! Since I'm gonna finish the baking part of the program..I may use learning how to cook savory things as an excuse to keep coming back to see all my Chef instructors, they are awesome!!!

I'm sort of in a slump cuz I really don't want to study for a test that I need in order to apply for grad day I shall lock myself in a room to study..but not anytime soon haha. Do you guys have any tips on how to motivate yourself to study?

I have been into collecting metallic water color sets and here's my newest one ;) it's so cool they are all shiny and there are alot of different colors in this set. It was only 4 bucks, that's a super steal. Definitely an inspiration

I have been wanting to play with polymer clay.. but I get so lazy cuz it's hard to get the residue off your hands. But I did find out how to easily rinse your hands off with hand sanitizers. So if anyone has a tough time washing off polymer clay use that.

I hope you guys are all doing well, I'll try to log on and post when I can :)

have a good one
