The story has been received by the ninth writer. It's been so long since I have posted 'anything' here on TheO I can't remember if I posted about the eight writer... heehee. I think I did, but I will not swear to anything at this moment.
Either way. The eight writer did a wonderful job with the little time she had with it. Our story is now setting at 116 pages and VERY interesting. I am still trying to figure out what Vicious is trying to do here. I had a good ideal come to mind when I was reading it last night and getting it ready for the next writer. So if no one has Vicious make a move by the time I get it again, to write in, I might just add it... lol.
Still though, no one has added to the Saturn Ring Race. I am sure the writer that added the race will finish it up on her next turn. If not I guess the race will go like it is so far.
I also found a typo in the Writers weeks. This is a BIG typo too. I can't believe I missed something that BIG. It’s going to mess with everyone's ALREADY writing week. As I am fixing it, I see it throws everyone into writing one week earlier then the schedule that was planned out. Check out 'The Collaboration Room' to help degust this matter.
I have also sent out an Email to all you writers. Please comment about this in the 'The Collaboration Room' especially if it affects you. I know one writer for sure cannot have his dates messed with, and if I remember correctly there is another writer that her dates can't be messed with. I will be speaking in the one (male writers) place on this matter. In other words, he will Email me his opinion on this and I will comment from my Kita account with his opinion. He is a former TheO Writer and is highly busy with school and work. So coming into TheO for him is like SUPER hard these days, but he stepped up in a time of need as did the other writer. So I want to keep them accommodated as best as possible with their dates of writing.
Well with that said…
See ya around TheO my friend…
It is 11:56PM here and after my LONG drawn out day of cleaning out the barn sized shed my parents have. I am sitting here thinking 'OMG! My body is so sore and I am totally WORE OUT'. I have sent TheO Story out to the next writer.
It has twisted and it has turned. It has dipped. It has dived. It has zigged and it has zagged. Which, if you think of it in a Physics way... We are right back where we started... heehee. I am kidding. It has turned out to be a REALLY good story. The last writer was VERY daring and changed things to an extreme of what past writers dare to change. I think in the seven years of doing TheO Story this is the FIRST time I have seen a writer change that much. Do I think that's BAD? Hell to the NO! I loved it. I like seeing that kind of work go into the story. However, they did not add to the race... lol. Looks like Mira is going to have to do that all on her own, since she added it... heehee.
I do have bad news on the story though. As I was proofreading the story I changed all the past writers text to Black. All but the last two writers. The colors were KILLING my eyes. The bad news is. My dear sweet little grandson decided he needed to get on Grandmas Lappy and play a game and saved the story for me and closed my Word Program. SO the story is now ALL Black all but the last two writers colors. Other than that, it is good to go.
Well with that said I am going to bed I am BEAT tired and my feet hurt like a big dogs....
See ya around TheO my friend...
I have sent the story file out to Nana. Hopefully she gets it and it opens with no problem. I was able to close the biggest part if the ideas. Now all you guys have to do is add to them. OH! However, the Saturn Ring Race is still open. It needs a middle. I had to close it, it was that or add another idea. So I took the easy way out... LMAO.
Well with that said... See ya around TheO my friend...
Have fun with the story Nana...
I have a question, and if someone can tell me the right answer... WITHOUT looking it up *is going to trust you on this*. I will share something with all of you that you might find entertaining...
Who is Keiko Nobumoto and what did they do?
See ya around TheO my friend...
*does Ginji happy dance*
I went to an old writer the other day and asked her to help us out this year in the story since we lost two more writers. In doing so she excepted.
I am sure everyone here left as a writer, knows her or at least of her. She is Luicifers Wife, she has been a writer in TheO Story in past years, and has come back to help us out this year. I am over joyed at this. I have always enjoyed her writings (and wallies) and I am sure this year will be no different.
Thanks Luic for pitching in and helping, you are a total Life Saver *going to make you grape 'cause its my fave color and flavor* 
See ya around TheO my friend...