I am...

I am the caged bird who sings her sweet melody in the shadows of the night, the one who never dares to walk in the sunlight, and the one whos eyes are as bright as the clear sky. I am the one who cries, and still smiles, a fake smile to tell the world I am fine, to say don't worry don't cry. I try and try to make others smile, while i fall to peices as my world crumbles at my feet. I wish only for the happiness of my loved ones, and for the warmth of a fire and I wish happiness for any that feel the pain of lose, and the pain of hate. For the world only gives pain and sorrow.....

I am the one who hides in the shadows waiting for love to find me, the one who burns and freezes anything she wishes, I am the one who feels the pain of hate and lies....

(just a little something you anyone out there who doesn't know about me)
