This meme has been spred around but I haven't done it so here we go:
1. If you could be any age right now, what age would it be? - I'd be 15
2. Are you happy with your gender?- No comments
3. Would you rather be taller, or shorter?- Taller, please!
4. Do you wish that you were another race? - I guess so, I'd love to be Japanese, lol
5. Do you get headaches a lot? - You have no idea!
6. Imagine that you lived in another country and knew their language fully,
what country would you live in? - JAPAN!
7. On a scale to 1-10, how good is your grammar?- 8-8.5
8. Have you ever made up your own word?- Yes, when I was in 5th grade.
9. What extinct animal do you wish was still around? - Maybe, idk...never really thought about it, lol
10. I know this is asked a lot, but what was the last song/music you listened to? - From up on poppy hill - Sayonara no natsu <3
11. And, what last movie did you watch? - Blood-c!
12. Have you ever wished that you could make a movie based off your life? - No, it'd be pretty boring!
13. Skeletons, scary or cute? - Scary, lol
14. Do you secretly like something everyone else hates? - Brinjils, lol! Anime xDDD
15. Have you ever been attracted to a criminal? - Yeah, I movies xD
16. Do you think caterpillars are cute, or scary? - idk!
17. Do you like the smell of gasoline?- Not at all xDD
18. Imagine you could have any job you want, what would it be?- Anime artist!
19. What was the last video you watched on Youtube? - Don't have yourube!
20. Have you ever tried to picture a new color?- Sometimes...