Thundercats in Halo Reach

Hello everyone,

As you may have guessed by the title of the post, i have some new Halo Reach screenshots to post up for you guys. I mostly wanted to post today because i spent a few hours yesterday working in the Forge mode of Halo Reach (where you can create or edit maps for multiplayer, etc.), and i managed to create a rough beta version of the Thundercats Base. Here is a screeshot -

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Thundercat's Lair

When i started building it, i had no idea of the magnitude of size it would ultimately become, but it ended up being huge (it has 4 floors inside of it). I decided to build it in this specific location, because behind the actual lair, there is a waterfall as well as a deep cave that comes out on the other side of the mountain. Plus in the cartoon it was built in the side of a mountain, so it only seemed fitting lol. This version is the rough version so far, there is alot of stuff i need to add and remove, as well as vehicles, weapons and stuff like that, but i wanted to take a screenshot of it and post it up and see what you all think so far :)

here are some other random pics from my many battles lol -

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This is a screenshot of me (flying the helicopter) picking up my friend who had fallen off of a building, but managed to jetpack to a ledge lol. I was really surprised that he had lived, because he fell really far lol.

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This is a screesnhot from a while back. I was in a Big Team Battle (8 vs. 8) and I was driving this jeep around with a random guy shooting the gun on the back. The red guy was shooting at me with a gun that was mounted on their base, and he tore my jeep up pretty bad, so i ended up just driving right into him at full speed and killed him lol.

Well i guess that will be all for now, i hope to post more pics up tommorrow :) hope to chat with you all soon

stay strong,

