
Hello everyone,

Since ive been playing Halo Reach as well as Halo 3 alot lately, i figured i'd update everyone on what ive done in each game, as well as post some videos of some cool stuff that ive done too. Hope you all enjoy :)

Halo 3 -

I actually finally completed Halo 3 on Legendary last weekend, and i also got a few new Achievements in Multiplayer Matchmaking as well. Lately i've just been trying to team up with people so i can get the C0-op achievements. Hopefully i'll be able to find some people to join so we can all get them. Here are some videos doing some cool stuff in Halo 3 :)

No one would operate the turret on my Warthog, so i had to take matters into my own hands lol.

In this video, i was driving the Banshee (flying ship) around, and i found a guy hiding on top of a mountain, so i ran right into him with my ship, and this is the outcome lol. He flew pretty far.

Halo Reach -

i havent really done alot of progress on Halo Reach, but ive done some pretty cool stuff in Multiplayer Matchmaking. Last month i got my first Extermination, which is where you Single handedly kill every member of a team in succession in a matter of seconds. Here is the video of my Extermination.

EXTERMINATION!!! See how i was posted up in that corner waiting for them? lol

Well i guess that will be all for today, i hope to post up some screenshots later today or maybe tommorrow :)

stay strong,

