Dark Brainstorm

I've had an idea for a new story. it came to me while I was watching Blood +. when is the second part of that going to come out on DVD?? so annoying... anyway, the new story involves vampires and werewolves (and some humans). I just came up with it a few days ago, and I'm already about to start on the writing. that's really unusual for me, b/c usually, the ideas have to sit there for a while so I can turn them over in my head and get all the plot points worked out. this one went remarkably fast. the biggest problem with the plot was one I woke up thinking about a few days ago... thinking if I couldn't get that straight, there was no use even writing the story. I had it worked out before breakfast. lol! I haven't decided whether to start writing it on my own and see how it turns out and then post it if it's good, or just put it out there from the beginning. will decide soon!
