Have fun reading my rambles! ^~^

tee hee~

Disorders! [Stolen froms Evi!]

You have dry skin.
You eat one meal.
You're very weak.
You hate yourself.
You starve yourself.
You have low self esteem.
You use laxatives.
You need to be more skinny.
People always say you're skinny, but you think you're fat.
People think you are too skinny.
Total: 3

Your mind is all over the place.
You are hyper most of the time.
You barely pay attention to anything.
You can't cooperate well.
You talk all the time.
You need attention 24/7.
Total: 3 [I think I pay attention to things well... If I really try... Maybe it *should* be 4?]

You can act wild at times then the next day you are depressed.
You are very irritable.
You are antisocial.
You have very high self esteem sometimes.
You are abusing alcohol, drugs, or sex.
You have thought of or attempted suicide.
Total: 4

You throw up all of your food.
You throw it up even when you don't feel sick.
You have no control over how you eat.
You use laxatives.
You have overly exercised to where you almost fainted.
You always say you are fat, when you aren't.
People think you're way too skinny.
Total: 1 [lawls]

You are a bully.
You threaten other people.
You often find yourself in fights.
You have used a weapon that could cause injury to others.
You are cruel to humans or animals.
You have raped or molested someone.
You destroyed property on purpose.
You always lie.
You stay out all night.
You have/tried to run away from home.
Total: 1

You are always sad.
You find no hope in your future.
You no longer find excitement over the activities you used to love.
You always find yourself around the house all day.
You have low self esteem.
Everything bad that happens is always your fault.
You always seem to be weak or have physical features hurt.
You are failing school.
You have thought of or attempted suicide.
You have/tried or attempted suicide.
Total: 5

You have daily rituals.
You have disturbing thoughts or thoughts you hate.
You have to do a certain thing until it feels right.
You have to keep things in a certain order.
You have harmed yourself.
You have to check some stuff over again.
Total: 6 [Uhh...]

You repeatedly have flashbacks of horrible moments or memories in your life.
You repeatedly have dreams of horrible moments or memories in your life.
You sometimes think the event will happen again.
You can be/are antisocial.
You have lost interest in the things you used to love.
You have not had a lot of sleep lately.
You worry about dying at a early age or dying at all.
You can have angry outbursts.
You act younger than your age.
Total: 3

You often have hallucinations.
You have strange, unusual dreams or thoughts.
You can be confused about reality and fantasy.
You think people are always staring or talking about you.
You have extreme anxiety or fearfulness.
You do not take care of your hygiene like you should.
You are very shy.
You often talk to yourself.
Total: 2

Well then... Dunno what to say o_<


I got an C in Life (Stolen from Evi: Elix3r)

[~] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. [I gots a hubby!]
[~] You have your own room. [Apartment o_O]
[~] You own a cell phone.
[~] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman. {iPod, and it's a bish.]
[] Your parents are still married.
[~] You love your family. [His side, I do]
[] There is a pool/spa in your backyard.
T 0 T A L: 5

[~] You dress the way you want to.
[] You hang out with friends more than once a week.
[~] There is a computer/ laptop in your room.
[~] You have never been beaten up
[~] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to.
[~] Your room is big enough for you [Need a bigger bed... I'm violent in my sleep according to hubby... >>;]
[~] People don't use you for something you have.
[~] You have been to the movies. {Uhh... Duh?]
T 0 T A L: 7

[] You have over 500 friends on facebook [I don't even have near 100 IRL]
[~] You have pictures on facebook [Of me gettin' married. And my pet salamander, Mabari!]
[~] Your parents let you have a facebook [Wouldn't be able to say I couldn't]
[~] You get allowance/loan.
[] You collect something normal.
[] You look forward to going to college
[~] You don't wish you were someone else.
[] You play a sport.
[~] You want to do something after school/college
T 0 T A L: 5

[] You own a car/truck.
[] You usually don't fight with your parent(s).
[] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life
[~] You have friends.
[] You've never had a detention.
T O T A L: 1

[] You know what is going on in the world.
[~] You are happy with your life
[~] You usually aren't sick.
[] You know more than one language.
[~] You have a screen name.
[~] You own a pet.
[~] You know the words to more than 5 songs.
[~] You don't have any enemies. [Last I checked, no. I'd like to know if I did...]
T O T A L: 6

Total over all:
times it by 3 =
101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F
Repost saying "I got a (your score) in life"


I had a dream last night that while walking to get my diploma, my hat fell off. Not once, but twice. 5 minutes ago I realized that actually happened. I think I need to work on repressing things better...

I honestly think that's an "only me" moment...


[I'm not too certain about this guy yet. Going to have to keep thinking about him.

Name: Terren

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Zinyan

Hair Color: Coppery red with hunter green streaks of color

Eye Color: Cerulean and hazel

Personality: Very active. Playful. Easily excitable. Almost aslways has a grin on his face. Doesn't seem to know about personal space.

Likes: Drawing. Exploring. Climbing on things, even people. Food.

Dislikes: Being bored.

Attack Types: Demon manipulation.

Family: None

Weapon: Bare hands and a sword strapped to his back.

Favorite song(Optional):

Looks: Has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade. Lean but toned. Very agile.

Clothing: Red and black colors. Baggy pants and vest. Undershirt it form fitted. Wears a lot of belts around his waist and hips. [pic soon to help with this]

Reason why Outcasted: Home was destroyed.

History: He lived in a small town that specialized in herbalism, growing plants and making medicines. Terren left when he was 18 to go on the rite of passage they had to gain his Mesla. After having a disturbing dream he decided to head back only to find that the town had vanished, leaving only a large black mark where it had stood.

Hometown: Krelint

Status(Gay, Bi, Straight): He isn't too sure yet.

Ah hah!!

Use the 1st letter OF YOUR LAST NAME to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, things, nothing made up. Use different answers than the person in front of you.

1. What is your last name – Eme...wait... It's Silvers now! hah!
2. An Animal – Salamander [cause I gots one now ^~^]
3. A boy’s name - Sullivan
4. A girl’s name - Sara? [Damn... My brain won't make a good one]
5. An Occupation – Space Technician [I think o_O]
6. A Color – Steel blue
7. Something you wear – Socks!
8. A Beverage – SAKE!!!! [God am I happy to be able to put that!]
9. A Food – Sammich!
10. Something found in the bathroom – Shampoo [that smells of pomegranates]
11. A Place – Syria
12. A reason for being late – Sleeping through the loud buzzing crap.
13. Something you shout – SHIIIIT!!!! [Followed by other expletives on occasion.]

I tag..everyone who looks at this >:P