Because of the continuation of the Missing status of the Randomness Notebook, this world shall be discontinued until further notice. No updates shall be added unless this notice is no longer present.

Ok-ay! This is a computerized version of the Randomness Notebook, or to the ones who know me Top Secret FHS Randomness!! I will try to update it every time that I bring the notebook home. It is a notebook passed between me and my friends, and mote everyone mentions their names when they start to write, but sometimes they don't, so it may be a little confusing. I will try my hardest to put in the things written in the margins too... But usually those are pictures... Maybe I'll scan them and post them... Maybe.

This was written by (mostly) High School girls, all of whom are EXTREMELY random!
and maybe a little emo.... lol

The Randomness Notebook is currently missing!!! If anyone sees it please tell me/ZaidaHaku/Windybreezy22!!

The beginning....

.:Inside cover:.
Never ending story!
1) If your going to be mean, don't be too mean. We won't want this to be read by a teacher.
2) Try to keep it a little clean. No 'graphic' details. (in margin: with Gerard. No 'very' descriptive details. Dang it! O.o only a little?!)
3) Please write your name so that way I can find you guys if it goes underground for a while. (in margin: with Gerard)
4) Keep is in your posseion for a least a hour. No more than a month (but is you done please pass it on!)
Have Fun!! (Margin: with Gerard! XO)
Zaida Sam
Rikai Akurei Kaylah
Quijyp the E.T. thing
Jean Brooke
Eva--now comming to the dark side!
Michelle Tanner Vauthn William Fredrick John (Josh Supreme Emperor)
Caitlin ME!
Bri Your Mom
Gerard(Crossed off) Not Writing!

.:Page one:.
start here!
Zaida sips a straberry smoothie while the Hmong and the EmoPony Zexion underground Empire. Emily as the evil empress and Josh as head general of the EPZUE. Soua rules the Hmong. The battle is very bloody. Zaida cries because she runs out of smoothie
Sam overtakes the Hmong empire and throws a smoothie at Zaida. Sam sends a kitten after Josh & Josh dies. Sam makes E.T. surrender.
Zaida cries because the smoothie wasn't even strawberry! (it was banana! Yuck!)
E.T. re-takes over the underground. Gerard is elected the pope of the Epzue.
Soon the Han came in. Mongols took over Strawberry Land!!!
Rikai Akurei and her comic minions (uh, I mean characters) create their own world: Blackcomicland! Run by R.A. and her comic minions as the Guitar-Comic-Dragon-Videogame-Rockmusic-Empire! (GCDVRE) where they play Guitar Hero against dragons!
Kaylah runs away and steals Zaida's strawberry smoothie! RUN! HaHa!!

.:.:That's all for now!!:.:.

Not actually part of the notebook

This post is not actually in the notebook. This is describing it.
The notebook is a spiral one, and it once had a purple cover, but that fell off so I made it a new one. The new cover is made with duct tape and construction paper. The construction paper is manila. It looks very confidential with it's washable marker on the front reading:

Top Secret

and then a HUGE XD and a confused, meow? smaller in the corner.

i just realized how weird it looks! lol
