hi. this world is just a world full of panda's nonsense and randomness.

The3Citrusteers @Etsy.com

Panda is back on track

HOLY! i haven't made a post since last xmas!

Any who...hi everyone!
Um let me see... uh i don't really know what to write, i just wanted to post something on here about something. i guess this is something. Well please enjoy the image below :)

I know many people at school who need this! i mean they sniffle all the time in class, sneezing in ppl's hair who sit in front of them(WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?), sneezing into their palms and then smearing it against the surface of the tables! This does look stupid but i mean in a way it's practical... but still very weird XD

faberge egg

yes, a faberge egg !!!! my sibling and i made this for our friend! we simply bought a hollow egg (about 6 inch' tall) and we bedazzled it and painted it. it took awhile to paint because it's really hard to paint straight lines on a round surface. it also took a lot of super glue ><. Anyway enjoy !

cool ornaments

look, aren't the two cute? one of my friend gifted my sibling a ninja ornament and i a set of panda ornaments! in the set of pandas there are 7 total :)

i survived it...

i survived last night. closing was a breeze. it was really creepy when i had to go to the second floor and turn off the lights though. i never realized how creepy a library can get in the dark. after i left my ocd took over to check the switches the whole atmosphere felt heavy (esp. behind my back)...i freaked out and ran back down :O
oh, i also did the pa, kinda weird cuz there's no one but i still had to do it (so i and the librarian just listened to myself) :P
anyway i believe that was my first and last time closing the library cuz next semester i work in the mornings, which mean i am opening the library...
any way happy holidays to all!!!!!!

what now?

guess what????
im done with my finals and i'm on my winter break at the moment. this is really ridiculous because my last final is today and today is 3 days away from christmas. i really want to know who's responsible for this. but the good thing about today was that my teacher bought everyone coffee and biscotti :) too bad that we had to show up to class at 7 am!
well,right now as i'm typing telling you all about what im doing, i am totally freaking out in the inside.
well i work at my school's library on thursday nights and today is special...because i have to close the library...for the first time! this is really bad because i'm already ocd enough at home when i lock up before bed, now i have to do it for the library!(really nervous because when i closed it, we wont open again for 2 or 3 weeks, what if i forgot to turn off the copier? then it would be on the whole time and waste energy? hope not)i'm not sure how i'll make it through...(curse myself for worrying too much!)
there is a librarian to help me out. i asked her about closing and she said that she has done it before so she'll help me( my supervisors, showed me before, but i have never really had to do it...until now). i have to close really quick because she's going to leave early tonight and if she leaves before i closed, im alone!( i can closed a bit early because there is really no one here, so quiet the silience is deafening my ears.)
not only am i worry that i'm going to do everything wrong, or forget one important thing, but i have to do the pa system. kinda nervous because i don't like talking over the phone and i think my voice sounds weird.
speaking of the pa, i have to do it in 20 mins!
well if you are able to read my next post that means i have survive my nervousness and ocd breakdown.
wish me luck (you dont have to but i am :) )