a run in with the dead...

So I found a body today...a body of a


I don't like rats, mice or mouse. Idk why, but I still think they are cute, but only in pictures or from far,far,far...far away. In my 5th grade class, we had a class pet, named Nim and it was a rat. I only petted it once...that's all I needed.
Luckily, I'm a silent screamer. I scream in the inside, in my mind. Not like those ladies in horror movies who shriek "ahhhhh". I can't do that. The most scream, that I could do is "whoa". That's it. So that is why when I'm with a crowd and something is scary is happening, I'd let out a lame "whoa" and everyone would think I'm very calm and collective. Nope that is not true at all. My whole mind would be screaming "silently".

hmmm. I guess I just can't express my emotion that well....

oh anyway, I found that poor dead mouse in our storage room in the garage. We live in the country near the farms so many field mice would come in our house. My dad would place these poison blocks to kill them off. The sucky thing about this is you would never know/guess where their dead bodies would be at....
so I am always on the look out. But today i let my guard down and told myself "oh don't be scare, they aren't here."
But I was so wrong!!!
For some reason I felt like jumping into the storage room. So when I jumped and landed, I looked down and saw the poor thing half an inch from my slipper. Again, I lamely say "whoa" and screamed "silently". Ran in the house and got Ramen. Ramen is the braver one. so Ramen scooped the body into the dust pan.

So yeah....

I am scare of rats. If they are dead, then I'm more deathly afraid. IDK why. I mean I've been doing pretty good. Let's just say I've been pretty calm when I run into them. I use to panick, sweat, my heart would race and I wouldn't even look at them...but now I can look and my heart is calm. But I'm still scare....

Anyway...I just wanted to share this...

kay, enjoy your afternoon!!

