Junes' Start

"Hi Colors" Yachiru says walking in the room.

"Hey Yachiru. Come for the sweets?" June Murasaki-Aoi gets up from her seat at the table were she was adding the final touches to some sweets she'd been working on.

"Yeah" Yachiru takes a seat at the edge of the table." Colors can I have some for Kenny today. I told him I would bring him some."

"Yeah,of course. How is Kenpachi?" June asks She hands one sweet to Yachiru and goes to the to wrap some others for Kenpachi.

"Yay, thanks Colors!Kenny's fine. We're going to see some hollows today." she starts to eat her sweet.

"Anything interesting?" June asks. She ties the small package of sweets.

"No, I think Kenny's going to be bored. I know Colors should come with us!" She says.

"I'd love to but last time I went I almost died when Kenpachi was having a little too much fun. If I wasn't as quick as I was I wouldn't be making you sweets" June gives her a small smile. "Here take this to him for me, and don't eat them before you see him" She hands the package to Yachiru.

"OK! Colors do you know Tempest?"

"Tempest Kotone? Well I see her around. We're both lieutenants, but I really haven't talked to her much. See's a really respected soul reaper you know." June takes her seat again and continues to work on the other sweets.

"Kenny says that she's looking for people." Yachiru says still eating.

June stops working to look up."What do you 'mean looking for people'? Is she going some where?"

Yachiru nods "Kenny says that she needs people to go with her. I think Colors should go."

"Why me?" June ask. She hands Yachiru another sweet seeing that she finshed the first one and was going to eat one of Kenpachis'

"I want Colors to learn to make more sweets." Yachiru says. This makes Murasaki(Junes last name if you missed it) smile.

"Yachiru I can't ask to join Tempest just to go and learn to make sweets. I became a soul reaper for a reason. And anyway who would make you sweets if I'm gone? June says.

"Yachiru gets sweets from lots of people, so you don't have to worry about me" she pulls a treat from Kenpachis bag and eats it.

"It's not you I'm worried about but the people you get them from and how you get them." June takes the bag from Yachiru and puts some more sweets in it before retieing it.

"Aww Colors! Give it back." Yachiru whines.

"How can I trust you?" June says.

"I won't eat any. I promise Colors, no more sweets" June hands back the sweets.

"I don't know why I should, something tells me you'll eat them." She sighs.

"Well I got to go, Kenny's already waiting." Yachiru says hopping down from the table and going the the exit.

"Don't eat the sweets."

"Don't worries Colors I wont.Oh!I'm going to ask Tempest to take you, ok."She walks into the hallway

"Yachiru, yachiru wait." She runs to the door, trying to catcher her but she's already gone. "Don't tell her I want to make sweets!!"
