Colors meets Tempest

June had been worried ever since Yachiru had left. She had not a clue about what she would do. Yachiru had gone to talk to Lieutenant Tempest about her trip to the world of the living. It had been Yachirus idea that June should go,without any confirmation from June, she had gone. June was now slouched over the table, in her eat.

"Why,why,why?" She mumbled to herself. "This is not good, not good at all."

She knew that her friends ment well, but she'd learned that Yachiru could start trouble without knowing it.

"How am I going to pull myself out of this mess." She sighs "Think me,think!"
She closes her eyes deep in thought. "I've know."

"Maybe I should tell her it was a misunderstanding between me and Yachiru. Yeah,I'll tell her that her trip came up while we were talking and that Yachiru thought I wanted to go." she pulls herself together and raises from her seat.

"Then if she does offers I'll accept, but for now I have to make sure she doesn't think I'm slacking off." With her new found self she walks to the door.

"I can't have Lieutenant Tempest thinking that I want to go with her just to make sweets. Not caring about my duty as a soul reaper. I'll just talk to her and clear up this mess." She smiles at her solution. She slides the door open only to see someone there. She quickly steps back and bows when she sees who it is.

"Lieutenant Tempest Kotone!" All of her confidence is blown away by the respected soal reaper.

"I take it your 'Colors'? Tempest asks.

"Yes lieutenant. Um lieutenant" She raises her head "Lieutenant June Murasaki-Aoi at your survice" The moment she finally meets Tempest and already the soul reaper knows her by the nick name Yachiru gave her.

"Stay clam. Don't make a fool of yourself" June thought to herself.
