A small introduction

"Um well I don't mind going" June said to Tempest. "I don't know if wanna come Natsumi?"

"Sure I can go" Natsumi answers.

"Very well then we'll meet in the park not too far from here when your done." Temest says to June and and Natsumi.

"Yes Lieutenant" June heads over to Jade. She still looks slightly worried.

"Hey cheer up!" June smiles "You've got me and Natsu-chan to back you up. Oh thats right, I'm June by the way. June Murasaki-Aoi, happy to meet you"

"I'm Jade." she introduces herself.

"I'm Natsumi by the way Jade." Coming up next to June.

"Yeah and that theres Kiyoshi and Tempest" June points to them. "We're all lieutenants of the 13 court gaurd squads from the soul society."

"Well not Yukka. She's the one that left, she a captain. And Kiyoshi is a captain now, remember?"

"Your right I forgot. I just got used to seeing him as a lieutenant" June says.

"Whats the differance?"Jade asks

"Captains are stronger than lieutenants.Also all lieutenants work under a captain." Natsumi goes on. "and we all fight the Hollows."

"Even if June is so young?" Jade ask.

"I'm not that young actually. Non of us are really as old as we look. Most of us are well around or over 100 human years. I'm just small in size as well." June says trying to show that her hieght didn't bother her.

"Ok we should go before Tempest gets mad." Natsumi cuts in.

"Good point" June turns to Jade" So why don't you lead the way. It's your home after all."

"Sure it's this way" Jade starts walking in the direction of her home. June brings Natsumi a few steps behind Jade.

"Hey Natsu-chan do you know where we're staying in the world of the living?" June asks her.

"Now that you mention I don't" she answers.

"I'll have to ask Tempest" June sighs.

"You guys my house is down this street" Jade yells to them from in front.

"We're coming" they say to her.


K next person. Sorry if some of the info is wrong.
