Why They Call Her "Tempest"

A large haze of dust slowly cleared from Tempest's attack, revealing the Hollow, which was somehow still alive. She gasped. The Hollow laughed, its great body shaking from laughter, the icicles falling off.

"I now know why they call you Tempest, Soul Reaper... a blooming flower in the middle of a violent storm." The Hollow said, showing its white teeth in a wide smile.

"How do you know my name, Hollow?" Tempest gasped.

Again the Hollow laughed, this time amused by her question.

"Well I thought everyone knew your name, Lieutenant Tempest Kotone. At least, it's common knowledge to other Spirit Forms." The Hollow remarked. "What do you mean...?" Tempest asked.

"Hm... they didn't tell you? You're the reason why we're here..." The Hollow said.

Tempest stood there, frozen. "What? How am I-" The Hollow cut her off in mid-sentence, "You opened the portal from which the world we came from, and let it lead us here, the World of the Living. This is why we're here. To take you back... you must turn back into one of us, Tempest. You're the missing link to the Hollowfication process, a mystery that we want to claim." The Hollow explained.

Tempest stood there, speechless. She couldn't believe a single word she was hearing. She wouldn't. She wasn't ever a Hollow... Yes, she knew she had the powers to turn half Hollow and half Soul Reaper, but she didn't know she could become one or the either completely.

"You've left yourself unguarded, Soul Reaper!" The Hollow said, and launched a big insect-like claw at Tempest. She couldn't move; she felt numb. "TEMPEST-SAN! Move!" Kiyoshi's voice suddenly shouted, and flashed in front of her, slashing the Hollow's claw away.

((Anyone may continue now... Great role playing, everybody!!))
