Tempest's Decision

It had been almost a day after the invasion of the arrancars. Tempest had felt the anxiety leave her, and yet she felt depression sink in as its place. She had left Jade to Yuuka, who was trying to train her again.

Tempest had secretly regretted telling Jade her story, but it was the only way to make sure she was on the Soul Society's side. She regretted it because it brought up unwanted memories, memories that haunted her very being almost every day. She knew what had happened and what had made her the way she was now.

After wandering the Soul Society for quite some time, Tempest's thoughts went back to Valyour and his quest for her destruction. 'An Endless Soul... who in their right mind would even desire such a thing?' Tempest thought, clutching the necklace around her neck, the way she used to do when she was upset about something. 'The Hateshinai Hitokage... is it a curse, or is it a blessing? I count it as neither. It is nothing but an inevitable fate...' She concluded, closing her eyes.

'But I must do something about Valyour. He's still in the Soul Society, hiding somewhere... I can feel him, somewhere close... He can't conceal his Spiritual Pressure very well. It's far too powerful for that.' With that last thought, Tempest shunpoed from the hill she was standing on and suddenly appeared in her room, a knock at the door sounding.

"It's open. Come in." She said without emotion. The door opened slightly, then all the way. Her captain came walking in, the normal small and cautious smile on his lips. "Captain Madoka? May I help you with something?" Tempest asked, not looking at him. She knew he had spyed on her when she talked with Jade. Madoka sweat dropped and shook his head.

"Ah, well, maybe. You could let me in first, though." He said, seeing Tempest nearly blocking his way. Tempest sighed and smiled. "Fine." She muttered, opening the door for him. He came in and sat down, cross-legged. "So, what business do you have with me now?" Tempest asked. She wasn't busy, but she was irritated at him for interrupting her thoughts.

"Ah, nothing too much of any grave importance. Busy, are we?" He inquired. "No." Tempest replied. Madoka still smiled, but he sighed deeply.
"Tempest, whenever you show no emotion, it means you've been dwelling on something. Now, tell ol' Madoka what's troubling you?" He said sneakily. Tempest smirked and turned her head, cleaning her glasses.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"I"m leaving." She said suddenly.

"Whaaa?!" Madoka gasped, nearly falling over. "Whatever for?!"

"To find Valyour and put an end to this, before it gets even worse." Tempest told him, dead serious.

"You're not going alone, are you? You'll take Kiyoshi-san and the others, won't you?" Madoka asked. But Tempest shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. As much as I'd like to, I can't. It's something I must do on my own. It's my problem." She explained. "But Tempest-!" Madoka argued, but Tempest cut him off with the wave of her hand. "No 'buts' about it! I must go alone. I care far too much for the others. If they got hurt because of me, I would never forgive myself." Tempest retorted, glaring at him with her purple eyes.

"Tempest..." Madoka said, bowing his head.

"I'll be leaving at twilight. Please do not tell the others. Especially not Jade." Tempest told him, and disappeared.

Madoka sat there, shocked. 'If she goes alone... there's no telling what Valyour will do! I must tell them... but I can't. It will damage her pride forever... and she is also doing this for her...' He thought, thinking about Sayuri, the one who died for Tempest.

"Oh, Tempest..." Madoka sighed, shaking his head.

((Okay! Anyone may continue! Tempest might do this alone, so if someone does find her, I don't want everyone to help. If anyone does, I think Kiyoshi, Jade, or Kira should, for further character development and a relationship with Tempest. What do you all think?))
