It's personal now.

"Might as well end this as fast as possible, because if that hollow's reitsu breaks my tree, lord knows I will be p.o'd." Kira muttered, as she looked at the battle 5 yards away. She jumped down and jogged to their location. Kira looked at the hollow, then Kiyoshi's protective stance over Tempest and had to smother her giggle.

"He must really love her...too bad she's probably too blind to tell. Oh well. Lets make that thing go, Houka Mitsukai." Kira murmured. Then she swung her zanpaktou over her shoulder.

'Wait. This is a personal battle for Kiyoshi. Let him settle it, unless it turns personal.' Houka Mitsukai said. Kira sighed and watched them.

"Leave her alone Firste!" Firste mimicked. Then he laughed. "What, she your girlfriend or somethin?" Firste glared at the two, then lifted his boney hand and unleashed a red zero. Kiyoshi and Tempest shot out of the way, but, to Kira's horror, it blasted through her 13 year old cherry-blossom tree. Kira felt her reitsu flare up and she turned her head to the hollow slowly.

"It's personal now." she growled.

(Oh boy. Kira. is. P.O'd. Haha! Sorry it's so long. Anyways, START POSTING PPLS!!!!!~ Cat-chan)
