General Information

First name: Riley
Age: 17
Date of birth: 28th of June, 2001
Gender: Gender-fluid
Sexuality: All over the place
Relationship status: Single, not ready to mingle

Physical Appearance

Eye color: grey green
Skin color: tan? At least my arms are for some reason
Build of body: Kinda lumpy and pear shaped.
Hair color: dyed reddish brown
Hair style: above shoulder length
Posture: hunched
Typical clothing: I either wear plaid or pajamas. No inbetween. Unless it's school uniform of course
Is seen by others as: An awkwardly quiet person who barely talks and hangs around the outside of the chat area


Likes: Cats, drawing, writing, roleplaying
Dislikes: the smell of dogs (Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but their smell is yech, people touching me without some sort of warning (like brushing against me from behind or something), spiders
Fears: spiders, heights, crowds, cranes (the machinery), moths, butterflies and bones breaking (especially teeth)
Personal goals: Improve on my art and complete high school. Also take on an animation course.
General attitude: careless, calm, quiet
Religious values: none
General intelligence: not very smart
General sociability: not very sociable


Illnesses: depression, mild psychosis, social anxiety
Sleeping habits: on and off
Energy level: low
Eating habits: average, if not low
Memory: terrible


Parents: Got both, both good
Siblings: younger brother and older sister, both good
Friends: Only a handful, but they're the chosen ones
Best friend(s): 2 real life ones, several online ones.


Occupation: Student
Favourite types of food: sweet
Favourite types of drink: sweet
Hobbies/past times: Drawing, writing, knitting, roleplaying
Guilty pleasures: baths, chocolate, ice cream
Pet peeves: People who don't bathe, people touching me, people with bad vibes
Pets: 2 dogs, 2 birds, a few fish and 3 cats (one of them is a stray that keeps coming to our place so we feed him.
Talents: drawing, writing
Favourite colours: red, blue, black, gold, silver.
Favourite type of music: dark types and Japanese types. Not metal. Ew.


This is amazing *3*!!!!!! I wanna celebrate but I dunno how 😂.
I just can't believe it. Can someone give me an idea to celebrate with you guys? I feel this is special! I have only been on this website for a year, and lately I haven't been as active as I was a coupla weeks ago. My mind has been in a jumble lately .~. Maybe a special story or a feature or IDK IDC JUST WHATEVA. At this stage IDC. At all. Whatdya want guys?


Name: Akarin Age: unknown Gender: Presumed male Date: unknown Personality: Free...? He hates rules and being told what to do. Abilities: He's invisible. Strength: N/A Weakness: dust and other powdery parti...

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My life. Be warned.

My life story. I don't remember much of my childhood. Just me at the beach for the first time. That's it. Then primary school rolled by. Before grade 2, I only remember being lost. Then grade 2 came by and I made my first and only fri...

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CHILLAX CLUB UPDATE- ... Also anouncment

Okay, it was better then expected.
This is what I expected:
- 1 or 2 people coming, and those people being my friends only.
- awkward silence
- more awkward silence.
- Some year 12 crashing or party
- People leaving
- laptops and boredom.

This is what actually happened:
- 7 or so friends coming in.
- teddy bear biscuits
- a friend playing a horror game right next to me
- a wellbeing team member coming in and unlocking the door for us.
- the YEP teacher coming in and congratulating us.
- awkward silence (Not as awkward as I thought it would be, though)
- several people coloring the calm coloring sheets in
- people doing SACs next door.

better than I thought, I guess. We're not doing it next week coz we have an athletics carnival going on. I'm gonna try and fake a sicky, like I did for the swimming carnival. That was awesome *^*.
Oh, and I'm changing the 'stories' and 'written posts' by my OCs to my other account. The world is called The Stitchez Stories, for those who feel bothered to search it up. Go ahead. I don't care what you do, honestly.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have science work to do. GEES my bacteria sample is WEIRD...


So as some of you know, I am making a club at my school. Called the 'Chillax Club'. A few of my friends plan to go, coz we've booked the quietest room around. It's so peaceful 😌. So my mum got a calm colouring book and we ripped out all the pag...

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