General Information

First name: Riley
Age: 17
Date of birth: 28th of June, 2001
Gender: Gender-fluid
Sexuality: All over the place
Relationship status: Single, not ready to mingle

Physical Appearance

Eye color: grey green
Skin color: tan? At least my arms are for some reason
Build of body: Kinda lumpy and pear shaped.
Hair color: dyed reddish brown
Hair style: above shoulder length
Posture: hunched
Typical clothing: I either wear plaid or pajamas. No inbetween. Unless it's school uniform of course
Is seen by others as: An awkwardly quiet person who barely talks and hangs around the outside of the chat area


Likes: Cats, drawing, writing, roleplaying
Dislikes: the smell of dogs (Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but their smell is yech, people touching me without some sort of warning (like brushing against me from behind or something), spiders
Fears: spiders, heights, crowds, cranes (the machinery), moths, butterflies and bones breaking (especially teeth)
Personal goals: Improve on my art and complete high school. Also take on an animation course.
General attitude: careless, calm, quiet
Religious values: none
General intelligence: not very smart
General sociability: not very sociable


Illnesses: depression, mild psychosis, social anxiety
Sleeping habits: on and off
Energy level: low
Eating habits: average, if not low
Memory: terrible


Parents: Got both, both good
Siblings: younger brother and older sister, both good
Friends: Only a handful, but they're the chosen ones
Best friend(s): 2 real life ones, several online ones.


Occupation: Student
Favourite types of food: sweet
Favourite types of drink: sweet
Hobbies/past times: Drawing, writing, knitting, roleplaying
Guilty pleasures: baths, chocolate, ice cream
Pet peeves: People who don't bathe, people touching me, people with bad vibes
Pets: 2 dogs, 2 birds, a few fish and 3 cats (one of them is a stray that keeps coming to our place so we feed him.
Talents: drawing, writing
Favourite colours: red, blue, black, gold, silver.
Favourite type of music: dark types and Japanese types. Not metal. Ew.

Update (ish)

I fell that I haven't been updating on my life much lately, so I might as well now. lately i've just been a blank slate. no expressions or anything. the only thing i have felt lately is a mental breakdown i had recently, but of course, peopl...

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Hello Rae here and since my character Angelise got accepted to be in The Stichez i thought i would tell you more about her because she is supper shy and all and doesnt like talking about herself very much. So here we go
Name: Angelise (An-ja-lease)
Nicknames: Angie, Anne, Angel
bio: She was bitten by a vampire when she was 15 and is still a fledling vampire becuase she refuses tp drink human blood. She was always shy and quiet but after she got bit ot seemed tp have gotton worse. She doesnt talk to many people except the people in The Stitchez and even then she is still really quiet.
Hair: medium blonde and its very long
Skin color: pale
Eye color: Blue because shes not a full vampire yet
Appearance: wears a gray t-shirt with a somewhat leather black jacket. She wears black ripped jeans, a choker necklace, and black hightop converse.
Marks:she has bite marks on her neck
Likes: nighttime,animal blood, black, blue
Dislikes: human blood, neon colors

Awesome remix!

Here's a pretty good remix (Undertale of course). I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I love it when the beat drops.

ALSO I wanna try and put a different pic up for each post I do unless it's 'from my OCs'. This one is from a comic. SANS NEEDS TO CHILL.

That's IT!!!!

Look. So many people on The Otaku have been through a lot of tough times. And currently? There are people who are nearly HOMELESS, have had bad parents AND are either going mental or already there (not naming names). And I just wanna say this ONE THING before I go to sleep tonight (it's 11:47 pm).
SOMEONE out there cares for you.
SOMEONE out there loves you.
SOMEONE out there is still alive, because of YOU.
You are not alone, and you will never BE alone. I'm sure anyone would love to sit and chat with you. If you need anyone to talk to, SAY you need someone to talk to!
Trust me, life is MEANT to be hard. You know the saying 'life is short'? Well, to me, it depends how you live it. If you bottle things up, like your emotions and all that junk, you're either going to live a long and cramped life with God knows what going on coz you're too scared to talk. Or it's gonna be a short one, one not even worth a speck of dust. You don't want EITHER of these.
I guess, what I'm saying is, if you need to talk, talk. If you feel as if no one is there to listen, I'm here to talk, too. You never know, I might unbottle the true me and reveal myself to you, coz, let me tell you, I'm not the happy-go-lucky RP, OC and RPG lover you read about ocassionaly. I have a lot of things I wanna say, but I don't think anyone is in the mood right now.
Stay positive?
Look on the bright side, guys. For every bad thing, think of at least 2 good things about it. For example, you might be I dunno getting stressed at school? At least you GO to school. Some people don't even have an education. At least your SMART ENOUGH to KEEP your education. Congratulations. No, seriously. Buck up, people. Life cane be great. Don't wait till its too late.

The big story

Hey, there, humans. Some of you might be interested in the story of how I created The Stitchez. It's kind of a long one, but I'll try to keep it short, coz I heard some of you prefer to have short reads. It's kind of a weird one, so stick with me!...

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