General Information
First name: Riley
Age: 17
Date of birth: 28th of June, 2001
Gender: Gender-fluid
Sexuality: All over the place
Relationship status: Single, not ready to mingle
Physical Appearance
Eye color: grey green
Skin color: tan? At least my arms are for some reason
Build of body: Kinda lumpy and pear shaped.
Hair color: dyed reddish brown
Hair style: above shoulder length
Posture: hunched
Typical clothing: I either wear plaid or pajamas. No inbetween. Unless it's school uniform of course
Is seen by others as: An awkwardly quiet person who barely talks and hangs around the outside of the chat area
Likes: Cats, drawing, writing, roleplaying
Dislikes: the smell of dogs (Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but their smell is yech, people touching me without some sort of warning (like brushing against me from behind or something), spiders
Fears: spiders, heights, crowds, cranes (the machinery), moths, butterflies and bones breaking (especially teeth)
Personal goals: Improve on my art and complete high school. Also take on an animation course.
General attitude: careless, calm, quiet
Religious values: none
General intelligence: not very smart
General sociability: not very sociable
Illnesses: depression, mild psychosis, social anxiety
Sleeping habits: on and off
Energy level: low
Eating habits: average, if not low
Memory: terrible
Parents: Got both, both good
Siblings: younger brother and older sister, both good
Friends: Only a handful, but they're the chosen ones
Best friend(s): 2 real life ones, several online ones.
Occupation: Student
Favourite types of food: sweet
Favourite types of drink: sweet
Hobbies/past times: Drawing, writing, knitting, roleplaying
Guilty pleasures: baths, chocolate, ice cream
Pet peeves: People who don't bathe, people touching me, people with bad vibes
Pets: 2 dogs, 2 birds, a few fish and 3 cats (one of them is a stray that keeps coming to our place so we feed him.
Talents: drawing, writing
Favourite colours: red, blue, black, gold, silver.
Favourite type of music: dark types and Japanese types. Not metal. Ew.
Okie so a LONG time ago I did a profile on Shadow (as in my OC), but I think I need to update it a bit so I have decided to start some profiles. Here it is:
Age: presumably 14
Gender: Male
Nickname: Shad
Date: 11/11/01
Personality: calm. He likes to be with friends and is always calm in rough situations unless it endangers Techno, his robot.
Weapon: he uses his shadows
Abilities: can control shadows and shadow creatures. He can also turn into a shadow fox.
Strength: the dark, and night
Weakness: fire and other hot things
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: black
Skin colour: white
Marks: a burn on the back of his hand which he got from welding metal for Techno. For some reason, it burned deeper than most people.
Looks: Shadow is a tall '14' year old who has no colour at all, no matte what he wears, which is usually a black t shirt and jeans. When in fox form, he is mainly black, with white fur on his chest, belly and tip of his tail. Hi eyes are also white, unless mad, which is when they turn red.
Likes: his friends, Techno, and being alone in his rooms.
Dislikes: milk, dogs and fire
Fears: fire, dogs, losing Techno and losing his powers.
Fav things: food: Ham sandwiches colour: blue. Season: winter. Person: Techno. Weather: cloudy but not raining.
Yeah. There you have it. Any questions?
I dunno why but I think I want a coupla people to join me in this world but I dunno who... So if anyone wants to guest post or something, comment down below. The posts can be about anything: you can even swear if you're really feeling up to it. Trust I'd swear if I could but that'd just ruin my connection I guess or whatever. Btw I'm feeling a little weird at the momen which is why this post sounds a little bland. Glitch OUT!!
I'm gonna put up a 'playlist' here, and by playlist I mean songs I like on the Internet XD. So most of these will be Undertale remixes. I might put a few other thingies on... I'm not sure yet. I'm typing before I get to it. Here you go!
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Gets guys I just wanna get this outta me, so be prepared!
So as some of you know, I had to go to my nans for the weekend, an I admittedly don't like her. It not her, it's the fact that you cannot relax there! The only thing I like up there is sleeping. I always catch up a little when I sleep there. I mean, I love my nan and pa an all, but you can't feel like yourself there coz 'yourself' would make them see you differently, and not in a good way. And at my nans, you can't express your anger by swearing, coz they are Christians and it would make the place 'unholy'. But that not the reason why I am ranting right now.
So here's the story. I decided to go with my nan to the shops, just for a change. So we went there, but when we headed BACK, my nan started telling me to get a job as SOON as I turn 14 and 9 months. I mean, I WANT to get a job, but I want to wait till I am 15 at LEAST. She said its for work experience, which makes it easier to get a better job in the future. In my head, I thought 'what, you don't think I already know this? Plus, anyway, you're not my mum' but on the outside I said "ok". I rule my own life, thank you very much!
Another thing was when my grandad came in, and mum was sitting at the table. He said loudly 'she needs to get off her •Donkey• and feed her kids'. Umm, excuse me? My mum works her •donkey• off every day to look after us. Doesn't she deserve a break now and again?!
And then, one last thing about my nan: she was sittin at the table with my parents and started talking quietly about my sister. Now, my sister is mildly autistic but she's not that bad. My nan asked my parents why they were going to do with her when she grew up. Mum and dad asked what she meant. She replied 'well, she won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship, let alone a house or child'. I was absolutely disgusted! Mum and dad replied 'we can get her a unit or granny flat on our property'. A few day later, I told mum that if it REALLY came down to it, I could live with her. As I said, mum ha to have a break now and again. She doesn't need to stay with her forever. So thanks for reading my rant there. Now I shall tell you about a cool setting I found last night.
So I was bored in the middle of the night and I decided to click everything and see what it would do. I foun a setting called invert colours and tapped it. It completely swapped the colours around with no lag at all! I loved it. Even the apps were different. Clumsy Ninja was freaky though... Then I went into photos and I found a creeper. It was purple XD. So yeah, it should work for iPhones and iPads, too.
This is stolen from envythejealous, who stole it from elricbrothersfan!
1. What is your best friends name?
I'll say Jemma because I don't think she'll appreciate it if I put her name here XD
2. What's your favourite game at the moment?
3. What music are you listening to right now?
Right now? I'm awake at 8:00am, a new world record for me. Usually I'm the last one to wake up at 10:00am. So, no music. But if I COULD listen to music right now, it would be the song I put up recently, or some sort of music with electro swing in it.
4. What is your favourite number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate. More specifically a cookies n cream Kit Kat.
6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Is this basically asking what my favourite colour is -_-? Well, I don't really like crayons, but I guess I would be black or red.
7. How is the weather right now?
It's morning, but I'll check anyway... *opens curtains* HOLY MCCHEESY IT'S SUNNY AND MAI EYES ARE BURNIN OUTTA MEH SKULL!!!!! That was a joke. It's actually grey an cloudy, just the way I like it! Just as long as it doesn't rain. That completely ruins it.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Does this include texting? If so, then Darkreaper19. But that was a couple of weeks ago. If you DON'T include texting, then... I don't remember -_-
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Hair and clothes.
10. If you had any powers, what would it be and why?
The ability to create anything out of thin air. I have a pretty vivid imagination, so it would work well for me ^ ^
11. Favourite tv show?
The Amazing World of Gumball. I don't watch a lot of tv...
12. Siblings?
An older sister and a younger brother. I love em both!
13. Height?
I dunno I just know I'm the tallest in my family... WHY MUST I BE THIS WAY?!?!?
14. Hair colour?
Right now it's brown with unintentional blond poking out.
15. Eye colour?
It's constantly changing. Yeah, I'm one of the few who have eyes that constantly change colour. I got it from my dad.
16. Do you wear contacts?
I wish...
17. Something coming up that you look forward to?
My Internet actually WORKING. It won't let me watch youtube... 😣
18. Favourite month?
19. Have you ever cried for no reason.
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 which was 2 days ago.
21. How many countries have you been to?
Just around Australia. QLD, TAS, NSW & SA.
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
A little, but if I got REALLY desperate, then I'd be able to do it. Right now, I'm not interested unless they work up the nerve to ask ME out, but I highly doubt that will ever happen.
23. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?
No. Never have been able to.
24. Hugs or kisses?
25. Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate! Speaking if which, yesterday I sat there and unintentionally ate a whole Easter bunny.
26. What is something you like about yourself that isn't a physical feature?
27. Choose one: YouTube, Reddit or Facebook?
28. One thing you look for in a partner?
How they act. If they act like themselves, then they have already impressed me.
29. What colour I your toothbrush?
Ooh! An excellent conversation topic. It'd be great to talk to your crush with! 'Heyyy, what colour Is your toothbrush?' 'OMG I didn't know this day would come!!!' Sorry I went a little too far there. Anyways, to answer that question, it is black and white.
30. Piercings?
I wish I did! I'm gonna get my ears pierced soonish.
31. Favourite movie?
The Legend Of The Guardians. That's the one with Jack Frost in it, right? There's just too many guardian movies.
32. Favourite food of all time?
I'd eat almost anything, but I don't have a favourite, surprisingly.
33. What are you doing right now?
Trying to wake up...
34. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?
35. If you could buy any type of food right now, what would it be?
I have a sad craving for baked beans.
36. If you were able to change your name (first and/or last name) what would it be?
Something cool like Raven Rider or Anonymoose or.... Billy. I wouldn't actually change my name to annonymoose. It's from a joke I just remembered. 'What do you call a mysterious moose?' (Says mysteriously) 'Anonymoose...'
37. Dogs or cats?
No offence to the dog lovers out there, but I dislike dogs. With my experience, you'd understand. BUT CATS ARE PAWESOME!!!! If I feel down, I always go to my cat. I just feel relaxed... Or I could just go onto Undertake and head straight to the nearest mouse hole. It's oddly satisfying to hear the mouse squeak.
38. Favourite flower?
Flowey, duh!... What? Fine then, roses. They feel nice...
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to so?
Not in a while. I learn from my mistakes.
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
Hmm... Nope.
41. Have you ever loved someone?
I did. He's a stupid mother firetrucker.
42. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?
When I was younger, I had a minor asthma attack. My nan had to take me to the hospital. I vaguely remember me running around with a pink teddy bear, and a doctor telling me I couldn't go outside.
43. Are you still friends with people who went I kindergarten?
I never went to kindergarten.
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
No, an I don't think I will coz I have a fear of accidentally killing an innocent.
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
Yes, i do... It's just so nice.
46. Right handed or left handed?
I am a right hander but I would prefer that I would be a lefty.
47. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2-3, depending on how I feel that night. I make up for pillows with stuffed toys XD
48. Are you missing someone?
YOUTUBE, DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!! Oh, wait, an actual person? Yes...
49. Do you have a tattoo?
I wish!
50. Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. The sky painted with blues and other colours... Sigh...
So there you have it! Oh and a small warning: I'm about to rant on and on in the next post. And also talk about fiddling with settings. Cya ltr guys!!