DETAILS (if you steal my characters, i will sue you)

I was thinking last night, I haven't rly told you guys in detail about my characters.
let's start with Raggdoll. get ur imaginations ready!
he's 8 feet tall, and completely white, mostly. he is always smiling, because his mouth is sewn together, and it stretches right across his face. his eyes are just circles, but when angry they turn red. he has sharp claws that can retract at will. he has red stains all over his body, because of his victims. he has stitches on both arms.
where his heart is, on his chest there is a patch with a grin that has sharp teeth. the only way to kill him is... okay! no spoiling! let's just say he can't be killed in usual ways. his story might be stated later!
so I hope I gave enough detail! I'm not good at drawing stuff like that on the computer, but on paper, I'm working on it.
