the story of GARFIELD.

well, in my previous post, I told you guys I would tell you about my other cat, Garfield.
well, I wasn't there to see it myself (even if I WAS, then I wouldn't be able to remember it. I was that young!), so I am going to have to base it on what my mum told me. she explained it so vividly, I might as well have been there.

they went to the RSPCA (I hate that place for private reasons) to get a dog. they were in the adoption center, looking for the right dog, when suddenly a cat popped out of NOWHERE (actually, she came from the back to the front) and started meowing SO loudly, all the other cats decided to stop meowing and doing cat stuff and stare at her. she came home with us, cause mum and dad couldn't resist. funny looking dog. the assistant there said that she never ever did that to anyone, ever. not even the people who looked after her. mum and dad didn't choose HER, she chose THEM.
so mum and dad brought her home and let us name her. since we were really young, we decided to call her Garfield. I think it suits her.
