Time to rant!

Gets guys I just wanna get this outta me, so be prepared!

So as some of you know, I had to go to my nans for the weekend, an I admittedly don't like her. It not her, it's the fact that you cannot relax there! The only thing I like up there is sleeping. I always catch up a little when I sleep there. I mean, I love my nan and pa an all, but you can't feel like yourself there coz 'yourself' would make them see you differently, and not in a good way. And at my nans, you can't express your anger by swearing, coz they are Christians and it would make the place 'unholy'. But that not the reason why I am ranting right now.
So here's the story. I decided to go with my nan to the shops, just for a change. So we went there, but when we headed BACK, my nan started telling me to get a job as SOON as I turn 14 and 9 months. I mean, I WANT to get a job, but I want to wait till I am 15 at LEAST. She said its for work experience, which makes it easier to get a better job in the future. In my head, I thought 'what, you don't think I already know this? Plus, anyway, you're not my mum' but on the outside I said "ok". I rule my own life, thank you very much!
Another thing was when my grandad came in, and mum was sitting at the table. He said loudly 'she needs to get off her •Donkey• and feed her kids'. Umm, excuse me? My mum works her •donkey• off every day to look after us. Doesn't she deserve a break now and again?!
And then, one last thing about my nan: she was sittin at the table with my parents and started talking quietly about my sister. Now, my sister is mildly autistic but she's not that bad. My nan asked my parents why they were going to do with her when she grew up. Mum and dad asked what she meant. She replied 'well, she won't be able to maintain a healthy relationship, let alone a house or child'. I was absolutely disgusted! Mum and dad replied 'we can get her a unit or granny flat on our property'. A few day later, I told mum that if it REALLY came down to it, I could live with her. As I said, mum ha to have a break now and again. She doesn't need to stay with her forever. So thanks for reading my rant there. Now I shall tell you about a cool setting I found last night.
So I was bored in the middle of the night and I decided to click everything and see what it would do. I foun a setting called invert colours and tapped it. It completely swapped the colours around with no lag at all! I loved it. Even the apps were different. Clumsy Ninja was freaky though... Then I went into photos and I found a creeper. It was purple XD. So yeah, it should work for iPhones and iPads, too.
