
Name: Bessen
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date: 3/3/1998
Personality: Insane. He loves everything to do with blood and guts and loves to murder people. Best to stay on his good side.
Abilities: Raising the dead.
Strength: severed heads.
weakness: Cute things
hair color: Black
eye color: thin white eyes on black.
skin color: Regular...?
marks: Scars across his chest
looks: The unusual part of him is the fact that his front teeth are rainbow. He colored them a while ago. He always wears a hoodie, no matter the color. He also usually wears ripped jeans.
Likes: Severed limbs (Particularly heads), blood, holding organs. (I have a sick mind)
Dislikes: cute things, the color pink and reading.
Fears: Heights
fav things:
food: hamburgers.
color: red
season: Summer
person: Ash

3 Random Fun Facts!

- Ash is actually himself, just a mirrored version.

- Bessen wants to kill a human, but since his universe doesn't have any humans left, he can't.

- He finds it hard to make friends. I wonder why...

(I couldn't think of any names. But I like it anyways. Just grab random letters and create a word. That's what I do. But I dunno where I got the rainbow teeth... But he doens't have a pink tooth! srsly, don't ask.)
