Alex Loris

Larxy The strange

Full Name: Alexander Kristopher Loris



Character type: The Optimist

Style(favorite)Clothing: Casual and laid-back

favorites: watching sports (any sport) eating cheesecake and winter

Likes: singing, drums, laughing, people

Dislikes: drama, a select few members of the "popular people", blubber in meat, eating out

Pet peeves: when people talk about how much they hate themselves and how they aren't pretty enough, cussing.

hometown(optional): Thorliskali

relatives(optional): Aunt Jennifer Loris

sports, hobbies, etc. (optional): Video games, works at Panera

instrument(s)(voice counts)(optional): Voice, bass guitar,drums

Extra info(optional): He is very social and happy. It's hard to not see him smiling. He wears contacts that give his pale eyes a reddish tint around the edges.

Bio/summary: He was abandoned by his parents at age five. His Aunt took him in and since Thorliskali was in her price range, she stayed in his hometown. At the time, most kids who went through traumatic events like that still remember them,but the kids end up going down the wrong path but because of his nature, Alex chose to be different and try his best to treat others better then he was his whole life. Lets just say that Aunt Jennifer wasn't the best caretaker in the world... or in Thorliskali.
