Once Upon a time, Alexander stared at a clock that was hanging up on the wall in front of him. 3rd period could not go by any slower. Spanish was not his best subject and everyone knew it.
His Aunt Jennifer had started to yell at him for no reason that morning and he was dreading going home. She was probably drunk at the time and couldn't control her temper so he was willing to forgive her.
"Alex?" The girl behind him tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Are you feeling okay?" She looked at him with worry in her eyes, something she doesn't show to most people.
"I'm fine, thank you Calista." He gave her a small smile. He knew he wasn't acting the same since first period and the fact that both of them had a class in between that they didn't share, a mood change was very noticeable.
"No your not but I guess I shouldn't pry." She sighed as she sat there staring into her distant worlds and frowned.
"Tengo hambre!" a kid from the back of the room started to shout. "Tengo hambre! Comida! Comida!" He started to fake starving as his friends laughed.
"Dwayne I suggest you stop right now before I call the office." The teacher stomped her foot on Dwayne's as the rest of the class laughed.
"No need." The principal had walked right through the doorway and was motioning for Dwayne to leave. He left the room as the teacher then looked towards Alex."Alexander, someone is here to see you. I believe you have to leave as well."
"okay..." Calista scoffed and then looked up at him, "good luck."
"Thanks." Alex gave a sly smile while he headed for the door.
"So make sure you welcome her to your class. Have a nice day." The principal followed Alex out the door and proceeded to discipline Dwayne who thought that Alex was also in trouble and decided to laugh at him.
The last thing Alex heard from that room was a student shout out, "Yeah! Lets give her a true, full fledged Albergeeze welcome!"
"So they found a new prey. I guess I'll go warn her if I see her." Alex mumbled to herself.
He walked down the quiet hallway and went to a secluded area for lockers. It was dark and creepy there but he didn't think it would bother him. He slipped into the back corner of the area and found his well-hid locker. He turned the dial, slowly counting the numbers aloud.
"12,45,3, there." The locker flung open and he threw all of his materials into his locker. He didn't need anything for home and he knew he wasn't coming back so he threw in his book-bag as well.
as he went the close his locker, it flung closed on it's own. No. It was Jacklyn.
"Hey~" She purred in his ear. "You have time to spare right?"
He frowned and looked her straight in the eyes. "No."