Kirin Aston Chapter 2

Kirin sat sat in the cafe staring out the window.
"I wonder how my baby is doing? Maybe I should go find her and her mom? But where does my baby live?" She thought.
She put her head down on the table she turned towards the window and saw a small bunny hop by.
"Bunny!" She shouted.
She placed some money on the table and ran out the door chasing after the bunny. Not looking where she was going she ran into someone.
"Ow." They said.
"Im so sorry!" She shrieked.
Kirin helped the person up and noticed they were crying.
"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"Its nothing. Thanks for the help bye." The person said.
As they walked away Kirin started thinking about that boy Alex.
"Alex it must of been him! Making that poor person cry he's the worst!" She thought.
She walked in the direction that the person came from and found a small fountain down an alley. She walked closer to the fountain and saw Alex sitting there crying.
"Crying? Why the hell is he crying!?" She thought. "Wait could he actually feel bad for making someone cry."
She stood there for a few minutes as doubt filled her thoughts.
"Well the poor boy is crying might aswell try to cheer him up." She mumbled.
She walked over to him and bent down to his face level.
"Hey kid whats wrong?" She asked.
