
My heart is stuck
Frozen in time
by hate, by bitterness
Years have passed, you moved on
Yet, I am still here
Unable to live
I became a body with no soul
Nothing more than a corpse
I feel the pain that you caused,
It has a hold of me
Binding me, and bringing me back to that day
Tell me,
Why is it that you can go on as if nothing happened
Free spirited and care free
While I sit here in a melancholic state
Wishing to disappear forever
Wishing it never happened
Wanting to end it
All this hate bottled up inside
Before I even knew it
You have become my life
My passion
My reason
My obsession
You took everything away and left me with nothing
Nothing but the joy of sorrow

I made this up as I went along. Just writing things from the top of my head. That you for reading if you read it...Much appreciated.
