Birthday mentioning.

You must be wondering what this is. Basically, every time I log on to TheO almost 70% of my messages consists of birthday alerts for people I know. And to be honest, I just log in, check , and then log off so I didn't actually bother to say happy birthday to all these nice people.
I've been feeling pretty bad about this, so I've decided to mention all the people with birthday alerts on the first page of my inbox.
Let's get started yaaaay

  • gaaraskittygirl
  • KyraChan
  • Starscream
  • XxArrancarFanxX
  • ForeverOtaku
  • clueless101
  • itemlicious
  • ultramaniaclover
  • mirahsan2
  • mystic midnight
  • mangalover567
  • Heartstop
  • Klassic

External Image

I might have missed people, if so, I apologize. I just decided to do this for fun c:
