HI!!! QUICK POST!!! oh.. how are u? Anyways, I know i've said this before, but I keep scoring Gin Ichimaru on teh bleach character quiz. It's not fair (not dat i don't like him...>////< *LOVES* teh aizen x gin pair) ... i didn't think i was so creepy... really? am i?

O.o o.O O_o o_O O.O O_O...=O.O=...maybeh i am...
HELLO. IT IS THE PERVERTED ONE, ME. ....*kicks self* awwww, shittake!!!
Anyways, as I was doing my usual surfing through pictures and other stuff, I came across a ton of beautiful, hot pictures of our dear Itachi-...kun? NOTE: SOMTHING THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN BB'S BOOK OF YAOI IS... (besides aizen/grimm [heh heh heh heh *evil-e*]) ... THAT SHARK GUY AND ITACHI!!! i think his name is ... kisame?? zaaaah, i can't remember, but, NEVER, EVER, NEVER, EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even tho, i would like teh see some itachi-uke... *drools* ahhh!!! meh yaoi gland's spinning out of control!!!!

from photobucket. Whoever the artist is, she (or... a fanboy) loves Itachi-...san? very much. I believe every one I've seen of hers has Itachi in it. Yaoi or shoujo it doesn't matter. But on many of these pictures by this artist, I had a nose bleed. Itachi's so very pretty and smexy *ish hit in forehead by the football of itachi's hottness* i can't stand it!!!!
And it's all my friend's (chappi ichigo on fanfiction.net) fault!!!! She told meh about teh hottness of teh itachi x naruto pair, and now tha's all i think about when i see him!!!! GRAHHHHHHH!!!!!! ISN'T IT BAD ENUF DAT GRIMMICHI AND IZUHISA ARE BOTH TAKING OVER MEH BRAIN!!!!! AND SO MANY DARNED ART PROJECTS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
*ish done*
...wait, now dat i think about it, it was also her fault dat i fell in love with grimmichi!!!!!
all these pictures of itachi are making meh want teh draw him!!!! *grumbles like usagi*
HELLO, IT IS THE PERVERTED ONE, ME. I just got done watching Bleach on Adult Swim. I wanna see dat movie, Jennifer's Body. 'Cuz dat looks interesting!!!! Body share-r!!! Anyways, I SWEAR ASHI-KUN IS SHIKI'S REAL, REAL FATHER!!!!!

He has the same hair color after all. And hair style. That's wha BB-chan bases this off of, which might soundcrazy, but this guy is safer for our lil' Shiki-chan.
I like Ashi-kun. He's smexy. Just anotha hot hot HOT guy in Bleach. *yaoi-ness begins in brain* ohhhhh~
er, ... grimm-chan? *ish shot by grimm-chan*
on dat note, i've been wanting to be rid of orihime. just because i don't like her, just like i hated shirley. they're both really annoying. but... *sigh* there's no Rolo here.
oOOOOooooo about my BG, it is smexy, isn't it? i'll have teh change it soon, tho... fer my dahling Huntress-chan, so yer mom won't freak out. *don't be assured yet*
HELLO. IT IS THE PERVERTED ONE SPEAKING, ME. How're you? *clears throat* It appears Grimm-chan has discovered something. Something wonderful, yet dirty and pleas-*HACK, KOFF, AHEM* eh heh heh heh heh heh

oh, my beloved Grimm-chan. If only you had known of how much you are used in yaoi....>////<'
er, right now, i am working on a fanart of meh favorite bleach pairings of all time. it's too big for teh scanner, tho... i'll have teh take a picture of it!! and still wanting teh draw izuru x hisagi... my mind has been rambling yaoi to meh...
*looks at clock*
HOLY L!!!! I should go teh bed... i have stoopid shool tomorrow *throws paper balls at school* argh... takes up so much time!!!! okies, G'night everyone!!!! *waves* WAVE GRIMM-CHAN!!! *ish shot by grimm-chan*
HELLO, IT IS THE PERVERTED ONE HERE, ME. How're you? I've stumbled across yet another pair whilst on meh bleach-yaoi rampage.
Aizen x Grimmjow

AIZEN TAKE UR HANDS OFFA HIM!!!!! Aizen ish not fer Grimm-chan!!!! he'sh a bad influence!!!! he belongs with Gin or Momo or even (blacccchh)...Orihime. Only Grimm x Ichigo (o course) or Grimm x Cry-chan (ulquiorra). Only because Aizen's a jerkwad and i don't trust Grimm-chan too him *snatches grimm-chan*
*ish hit hard by Grimm-chan*
ME: hit me again
*glomps Grimm-chan*
GRIMM-CHAN: O_o *throws BB*
.... ehhhhhh yaoi taketh over....... and teh need for hot guys. still being sucked in by teh renji x hisagi pair!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!