HELLO. IT IS I, THE PERVERTED ONE. How're u? Lately, I've been talking about nuthin but bleach yaoi. Maybeh i've become to steeped in the darkness
? nah, i'll keep going until meh soul's become tar.
I've been going through photobucket a lot, and ran upon the Hisagi/Renji pairing. I've never heard of it until now, but being a supporter of Renji and B-kun, and recently Hisagi x Izuru... i have no opnion... do i like this pair? i don't know, but i think hisagi would be best as teh uke (cuz like i said, i'm evil-e like dat
). maybeh i'm just a fan of hisagi uke?

so cute, tho. *shakes head frantically* NO!!! Renji and B-kun!!!!! ARGHHHH!!!! i'm already feeling myself being sucked into this pair.... *grabs onto hisagi and izuru* no... must. hold. on to... izuru x hisagi... *ish shot, drags them with* i luv u, hisagi
i'm going to start typing in meh OC fer DN-chan's Haunted Apartment^^, then i think i shall post tomorrow. i'm a fan of miserable characters, so he shall be miserable^^ MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

I would like a yaoi where somebody cheats...*drool, sips drama*HEHEHEHEHEHEH
i wonder, if all teh bleach characters are like, "stop playing around with us, fangirls!!!!!" and then, the fangirls: "you know you like it". Bleach characters: "... >////<" i wonder, rukia?
Grimm-chan, he is my love, besides Seimei. But one of my favorite Bleach pairings of all time is GrimmIchi. It's soooooooo wonderful*huff huff*, i love it very much!!!! My other one ish Izuru and Hisagi (yesh, hisagi's teh uke, cuz i'm evil-e like dat, O.O). But yeh, Renji and B-kun, tha's a given, uz i coulda sworn Renji was going to tell Captain B-kun dat he loved him. And this was before my yaoi obesession.

yummy~ it is, it is^^
i was going to post a pic from a doujin with renji and b-kun, but i just found this on photobucketXDXDXD~
awwwwww, i'll have to post it laters... see ya!!! may yaoi rest within u *dat means YOU TOO, huntress-chan!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH
!!!! o_o if u read this post*
HELLO. IT IS THE PERVERTED ONE HERE, ME. How're you? Anyways, if u read meh other posts, I said i would do a fan art of KH characters as VK characters, and i need help with this idea. I was orginally going to draw Kairi as Yuki (no duh! *ish shot*), but meh crazy sister told meh i should draw Riku as Kairi, since y'know, it seems tha Sora has forgotten his love for Kairi (if there ever was any@.@). i really need some help... if i were to draw Riku as Yuki, then who would be Zero and who would be Kaname??? PLZ, TELL MEH WAT U THINK!!!! I AM IN GREAT NEED OF ASSISTANCE
Orange, by Benjamin.

I LOVED art. Very nice, and kinda realistic and abstract. I think he used paint, but I'm not sure, completely. Oil paint, maybe? O_O it doesn't seem like acrylic could make tha sort of effect... *brain smokes*...
i read teh reviews for it. Kinda harsh. Our main character, Orange, i have to admit, is a spoiled brat. But so are a lot of teenagers *i am too, but more pervy proably...hehehehe...MWAHAHAHA
*, and teh story didn't elaborate as much as i thought it should, but it was still good. Yesh, Orange was selfish, but so are a lot of people. I like it when teh authors don't make teh characters seem like this complete angel, cuz tha's not wat real people are like *ish shot,,,charactes aren't REAL ANYWAY...they're supposed teh be perfection?*. also, teh language benjamin-sensei used. it was like how lots of teens talk. sure, they curse. Orange wants attention from Dashu... so she's all kinda slutty. So what? the world isn't pure, just look at meeeeeeee.....*heh heh heh
* so... maybe 7.98/10. Cuz at teh end, there's a lot of portfolio artwork *ish cool, though* and a confusing commentary. Benjamin-sensei, u are an emo.
Hello, it is teh Perverted [and sometimes bloody] ONE, ME. How're u? I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow. Doomsday. But I was working on a coupla fan art pictures teh immmmmppppprrrrrrooooovvvvve. it's gonna be a loooooong strive, but now, for teh main part of teh message:

not only is poor Grimm-chan being attacked, he is also having his 'purity' being taken away from him from fangirls like me *heh heh heh
* Please save Grimm-chan. He know not wat is coming for him.
...i'm gonna change meh avatar later, i guess, teh another picture of Sunflower-chan (Yoneguni) or Tai-chan and Sho-chan or something... bleh. trinity blood and d. gray-man fan art... i found a riot of the flowers fan art book, and my head almost imploded. i thought it was from hoshino-sensei. *phew*
HELLO, it is the Perverted One, ME. ACK!!! *puke* I HATE MILK!!!!Sugar, tha's wonderful stuff, tho. But, forget that... All my shiny new manga came in on saturday and on monday!!! teh were all good!!!! i read CUT too fast teh enjoy it fully... i'll have teh read it again. But tha's beside teh point!!!!
One i bought is titled "Sugar Milk" by Jaryu Dokuro-sensei. eh, i'm in a difficult position for meh hands... i apologize for bad typing... but anyways, back to yaoi goodness.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u can read it on mangafox!!!!! if u love yaoi, i highly recommend this book teh u. i love taichi(blonde hair) and sho (black hair), teh on teh cover. also shinta and yoneguni (DON'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
). at first i didn't know there were 6/7 stories in teh book... i didn't read teh whole back or somethin. but it was sooooooooooooooooooo very good.
i love flapjack. i just thought i'd say dat. i'll post again laters!!!
oh, and ..what does LMAO mean? u texters and u ways... are truly mystifying...