Tagged a third time!!

Hello to all!!
Theses are blu's tags!! >.< I hope I answered them all to your liking? Yes? Yeah!!

1. You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

1. Now, be completely honest and do try to think your answer and options through, do you really and honestly think you’ll survive a zombie apocalypse?
Hecks yeah!!! I have a shirt that says “THIS IS MY ZOMBIE KILLING SHIRT” on the front!! *pulls out shirt* *points* *triumphant look* >:D

2. Yay for AU questions! If you could live in any one of your favourite television shows which would it be and what character or role would you fill in that show?
Mmm… I don’t know… I don’t usually watch shows with real people (I miss u, V, but I wouldn’t want to live there…)… so I’ll pick a cartoon!! I choose… The Misadventures of Flapjack!! I love that show. It’s so funny and strange >.<, perfect for me!! “If danger was a beautiful woman, I would marry her” (Flapjack) nyahaha!! I could go on with Flapjack quotes for days >.<

3. And this is a question for all you late 80’s early 90’s kids: Looking at technology now and then going back and watching Back to the Future II, what do you really think about all that goofy stuff Marty saw when he came to the year 2015? (I know, I know. I’m awesome.)
I’ve actually never seen Back to the Future I or II, so I don’t know. What I do know is that we were promised hoverboards and other shit that never came… >.> Ah well, what can you say? *starts playing TrickStyle*

4. Speaking of time travel, if you could go back to any century and live there for a week or so, which would it be and why?
Any century… hmm… honestly, I would like to go back all the way to the 600s or somewhere around there. I like history, so I think it would be interesting to see what people were like back then. And then I would hop back in my time machine and come right back here :D.

5. What song do you wish you had written?
Holy shizz. There are a lot of songs I wish I had written, but for now I’ll pick “DRESS” by Buck-Tick. I love that song :D.

6. If you could take any one of your favourite authors (living or dead) to dinner who would it be and where would you take them?
I would definitely take Yoneda Kou out to dinner to Baker’s Square (yummy!). I. LOVE. HER. WORKS. If I could take another it would be Marcus Sedgwick or Daren Shan and we would go to Olive Garden (<3… my heart melts) >.<. I’m sorry, I had to say that.

7. Let’s say that, for argument’s sake, the 2012 Apocalypse proves to be true and you miraculously survived, what role do you think you’ll take in the aftermath? (E.g. help survivors, loot stores, be the leader of a new city, etc.).
I would take... hmm… to killing MOAR zombies. Yes. Kinda like how those Al-Bhed hunt for macchina.*nods*

8. I feel like I need a good anime related question so, if you could have any anime character’s sense of style, whose would it be? (Also, pictures or didn’t happen please.)
Um… I don’t actually have a specific character or anything. I just like certain things, like this jacket below!! I’ve loved this jacket… so much… please, heaven, send down one made for me!!! I believe this is Kamui from X1999.

9. Do you have strange/scary dreams? If so, what’s the weirdest/scariest one you’ve had or remember having?
YES. YES I DO. One of the scariest ones was from when I was about six or seven years old. I was having a delightful dream of Timon and Pumba, and all of the sudden, in my dream, something said “You can’t open your eyes”. I tried to open my eyes and they wouldn’t open!! I tell you!! I tried several times and they wouldn’t open!! When I finally got them to open, my heart was beating so hard, like I’d just run a hundred miles. There was no one in the room, and since I slept on the top bunk… yeah. And my sister was fast asleep. That scared the be-jebus out of me.

10. Do you have any television shows, books, or songs that are a guilty pleasure? If so, please tell! :D
I… I don’t know what you’re talking about!!! Haha… yes, yes I do. Plenty. A song I love singing to is “Kimi Hana” by Pigstar, it is the opening to the JJR anime. Another one is “Brand New Map” by K (Blood Plus ending #3)… I don’t sing it… but… um, yeah. *blushes* Oh! I really love the story of Saint George... I-I just love it, alright?!

11. Last random question! Who is Baba Yaga and did you ever fear her? No cheating either! That means no Google or anything! I honestly want to see if anyone knows who she is or has heard of her.
I have heard of her!! I just don’t know where. >.< I keep thinking Spirited Away, but I know that’s not it.
