Like an Angel

It is pouring rain now. I look up into the unforgiving eyes of the stone angel sitting on my brother’s headstone. Am I sorry for what I did? I think this is what the angel is asking me with her sad eyes. I can’t answer. I don’t remember. The angel looks furious. She grabs me and I swat at her with my bundle of decayed flowers, only to find I’ve been swiping at the empty air. The angel is staring at me with vengeful eyes. I leave those decayed lilies on my brother’s grave.

Am I sorry?

“No.” A smile creeps onto my face.
“I am a marionette.”

My brother Lucky drove the knife in my hand straight into his abdomen that day. Why were we fighting in the first place? I don’t know. I just don’t remember. Luke sneered at me. He laughed, blood bubbling up in his mouth.

“Pretty marionette of mine.” He said.

Are you happy now, Luke? It has been so long, and I have still not escaped. I turn back to the grave. The angel is staring at me with an evil grin splitting her face.

“Fuck you!” I spit at her. And when I look at her directly again, she is looking normal once more. I want to go and break her face off, but I know she is just a statue.

Lucky had powers. He could make dead things move and writhe as if they were alive. I think I was six when I first saw him playing with a dead rabbit. I think I was. I can’t recall… its head was cut off, blood was on Lucky’s fingers… smeared… over his…?

There is a pain in my head, intense, like someone is trying to crack my skull open. I’m shaking, clutching my head. The forgotten memories are returning…
My hands covered in blood, clutching a knife… but… but Lucky is…
Lucky is… standing right in front of me, a vicious grin on his face. He holds up his hand as if he is controlling a puppet.

Blood is dribbling down my chin. I’m struggling to speak. Can’t. The blood is in my mouth, the blade is deep in my stomach.

“My little marionette.” Luke’s voice echoes through my head. “One day soon, you and I will meet again, when everyone has forgotten…”

I didn’t… do anything… it was Lucky…

“We will meet again when everyone has forgotten about your death…” Luke said, wiping the blood off of my chin with his black-gloved thumb. “And I’ll make you dance in the palm of my hand.” He wipes off the fingerprints on the knife. “Enjoy your rest.” He laughs. I remember his eyes glowing, his golden hair… then everything is black.

I look back over at the headstone. It’s my… headstone. The angel has the face of my brother. It reaches for me with fingers hard as stone and nails like barbed wire. I fall to the ground; watching sideways as the smell of flowers invades my nose, as I remember Lucky controlling me like a marionette. As I recall breathing shallowly as blood pooled around me. As I recall dying. As I recall my older brother Lucky. His shining golden hair like a halo around his face. Like an angel. Li-like an…

“Poor Gabriel. He was so young.”


Zee end! “Lucky” Luke and Gabriel get their names from two of my older OCs who really are brothers (but they get along so much better XD). Anyways, it felt nostalgic writing this >_<.