.-. SHIMU HERE. Not really. Okay sort of. So yes life eats crap as usual as I am having a hard time with shiz and stuff. but what the hell. Oh well. I suppose I can do nothing but grin and bear it as life makes a cheap hooker of me. On the other hand, I suppose fuck it. I am just gonna hang around and do whatever and try to make the best of things. May as well right? Anyway there is my rant. Its been a crapload of time since my last post. Kinda sad, but that is life as they say. :/ Anyway, I just wanted to get all that off my chest. SO yes. I have also been here done this been there done that. and its just like.... whatevers. So I wanna say thanks to all who read this and thanks to all who don't. Its just a rant and I don't wanna sound shitty. Love ya guys. ^^ OH BEFORE I GO..... Coca~Cola is my recent drink of choice whilst indulging in savory sweet liquor. My drink of choice last time I drank? Captain Morgan's Tattoo.
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