Quotes from a Play

I just wanted to post these. My mom headed off for a play performance that she's in. We have a small theatre group where I live, and she acts with them from time to time. The play they're doing right now is called Leading Ladies. The basic plot is that two struggling actors named Leo Clark and Jack Gable catch wind of a dying woman's last wish to see her two nieces Maxine and Stephanie, who she's planning to give two million dollars to in her will. Desperate for money, the two dress up as women to fool her and get the two million.

My mom plays Florence, the old woman who is searching for her nieces. I wanted to put in some quotes from the play that I thought were funny.

"One minute you're brushing your teeth, then whammo, you're a pillar of salt."
-Meg to her fiance Duncan, Act 1, scene 4

"If I were you, I'd get the hell out of here."
"Aren't you even a little surprised?"
"Why? Because I'm old? Now listen carefully. Old: smart. Young: nitwits. Now go!"
-Florence and Leo, Act 2, Scene 3

"You are the most obstreperous, abominable, loathsome, odious, deplorable, despicable, obnoxious, vile, detestable man I have ever met! And of course I'll marry you! You just had to ask! Now give us a hug!"
-Audrey to Jack, Act 2, Scene 3

"But you're not even pretty as a girl!"
"Look who's talking!"
"Well, I can't be too bad, because two men just kissed me on the lips!"
-Jack and Leo, Act 2, Scene 3

Yep, there actually were two instances of men kissing. I would think that would take some guts.

So there you have it. My four top favorite quotes from Leading Ladies. See ya!
