Counting Down the Days 'Til Summer...

Man, I can't believe it's already April! I've only got two or so more months of school to go! :D Woohoo!

I'm once again writing this from geometry. We're currently having Taco Tuesday, although I don't really like tacos... Also, the teacher brought his daughter (who's like, I dunno, four or five?) and she's really whiney. I'm okay with kids most of the time, until they get like that.

This morning, when the bell rang, I went to my first class of the day to find several kids gathered around the door. Turns out, the teacher had slept in and was late to class! And he gives us detentions for being late! For shame...
For once, said class was fun, though.

Guess what we have to do for a grade in health class? We have to do... drumroll please... 12 hours of community service. Fun fun fun. I mean, I would be perfectly fine with it if I could just volunteer at the library for a couple hours at a time like I've been doing for the past couple summers. But NO, we have to do an assigned community service project, such as volunteering at a health fair or joining an advocacy group. It's either that, or counseling. While those things maybe fit the definition of community service a bit better than helping out at the library, it doesn't make it any more fun.

Okay, rant over. The lunch bell just rung, and I'm going to go get some lunch. Although those tacos do smell pretty good...

Ah, screw it. It's taco time! :D

Days 'til summer vacation... 49, including weekends.
