Why can't school just be OVER???

Uuuuggggghhhh... I'm writing this from Health, and I feel really, really tired. The last day of school is two weeks from now. I just want school to be over. And yeah, I know I'm whining. You can't blame me, though.

On a lighter note, it's been sunny almost all week, which is nice. However, it only fuels the end-of-school blues for me. Instead of being out there in the sun and happy and junk, I'm sitting in a dark classroom with the teacher jabbering away. A DARK classroom, I'm telling you. The sun doesn't do much for lighting the classroom, unfortunately.

I swear, I have absolutely no motivation to be at school. The only things I really have motivation for are drawing, writing, and messing around with Garageband on Kaoru-chan's laptop.

Okay, health is over now, and I'm now typing from Japanese. That will hopefully go better than Health.

I really, really need to post a picture up here soon. My portfolio is kind of taunting me with it's lack of new pictures.

Oh, guess what? I get to go to Science after this! :D Joy joy. Not.

So yeah, ever since I got Pokemon SoulSilver, I've been hooked on Pokemon again. Not so much as to get up at eight in the morning to watch the cartoons (like when I was ten), but still pretty dang hooked.

Complaining post is complaining, I know. I'll stop now. Bye bye!
