Homestuck RP?
Have fun.

dont care.

Your name is RAMIEL AYVEES.
You enjoy EXPLORING THE JUNGLE that is not too far from your hive. You've BEFRIENDED MANY A BEAST on your journeys into its depths. Your lusus always accompanies you to ENSURE YOUR SAFETY.
You have NO INTEREST IN THE HEMOSPECTRUM WHATSOEVER. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are in the VERY MIDDLE OF IT either. Not at all. You like to dabble in the HERBAL MEDICINE AND BOTANY. OCCASIONALLY you visit your other troll ACQUAINTANCES.

Your trolltag is tragedienneCarrion and you type in an oddly disinterested way. you dont care. not a bit.

typing quirk is no capitalization and no punctuation other than a period and she speaks in short clipped sentences. :V

Ssssstop bein sssso ssserioussss

Your name is SAYRRA KALANI.
You just love to LOOK AT YOURSELF every SINGLE DAY, to the point you're probably a NARCISSIST. You brag about how FREAKING COOL you are to your FRIENDS so much, it's a surprise you actually have any. You also find it so much FUN to PISS OFF THE LOWBLOODS with your arrogance. Honestly, you don't really have that many interests aside from BEING A COMPLETE WEIRDO.

Your Trolltag is dementedVanity and you tend to sssseriousssly exaggerate your freakin ssss'ssss.

Ellizz's Quadrants

BV Because i need to put this somewhere or i'll forget
EDIT// I keep coming back here to to edit and expand on things lol;; DON'T MIND ME.

Moirail: Dox
He makes sure Ellizz doesn't go completely apeshit on everyone or decide 'screw this i hate all of you please jump off a cliff' and then cut all ties with them lol;; then he creeps him out with his piranha smile so Ellizz punches him.

Kismesis: Maggze
...they do kismesis things. This quadrant confuses me the most because i can only relate it to little kids bullying each other because they like each other??? PERPETUAL BULLYING(AND POSSIBLY MURDER ATTEMPTS) BUT WITH BENEFITS??? SO CONFUSING AGH.

Auspistice(Between him and Maggze): Trynne ( U mU Hope this is okay Mel! )
Most likely the crappiest Auspistice EVER. He probably falls asleep in the middle of trying to calm them down and not kill each other so they're like 'he sucks we need a new auspistice.'

Matesprit: N/A
i can't imagine him in a loving/troll pity equivalent relationship. At all. Ever.

C'mon guyz, why zo zeriouz?

Your name is Arrian Desmia.
FIRST, let it be known that it's a BLOODY MIRACLE you still exist and that THAT ONE FRIEND of your's hasn't KILLED YOU. You also fail at QUADRANTS MOST OF THE TIME so you're not always sure where you stand with certain 'friends'. Your interests include PHOTOGRAPHY with a WEIRD CAMERA THING you found. Your friends know you're not as big a IDIOT as you let on and are PERPLEXED as to WHY YOU ACT AS SUCH.
Your Trolltag is technicallyArcane and when you speak, which seemslike alot to some, you conztantly zwitch your s's and z'z around, why doez everyone zeem zo zeriouz?

heehee @ w @

I felt like doing it too e u e))
Also I changed her name a little bit for the 6 whatever thingy))

Your name is MAGGZE GIZALA

You are incredibly WEIRD and PERVERTED. You have the STUPIDEST X-RAY GLASSES that you use to look at your FRIENDS NAKED, it's a wonder you still have any left. You are NOT VERY GOOD with QUADRANTS but you still managed to bag yourself a KISMESIS somehow. You don't have many actual INTERESTS besides BUGGING PEOPLE.

Your trolltag is maniacallyStill and you... tend to... Wheeze... between words... and use... stupid faces @ w @