Xiion's Quadrants

Moirail: Ramiel(?)
Not much is said, but sometimes that's best. Although, usually Ramiel says more then Xiion does most days.

Kismesis: N/A

Auspistice: N/A

Matesprit: Dox
A somewhat awkward matespritship. Xiion gives Dox some of the shells/rocks his lusus brings when she visits, Dox is twisted gleeful, makes odd/interesting sculptures from them while Xiion sits and sketches. It's cute, in a twisted troll kind of way~ Also, Xiion doesn't talk all that much on his own, so Dox pretty much does most(sometimes all) of the talking. Neither one minds that much...

YAY~ It's less empty now :>

lol 'would-be suitors'...
Wanna try wooing him in any of the empty quadrants, go ahead...
