I am no longer using this site.

But feel free to go through my blog anyways if you want, I'm still keeping this account here in case I ever come back and from pure nostalgic memories.

Thank you, and good day.

My current tumblr is mallymkun.tumblr.com

if you decide to follow me there then send me a message so I can follow you back :)


It's Friday! Nuuuu!!!! My break is already at it's end! Oh yeah, my moms birthday too. So we went out to eat :D. Halloween is Sunday and I plan to be on the 'net ;D Maybe watch Hetalia again. I got an email from my BFF today. 8D She's like my twin sister (only a bit shorter) But I miss her dearly DX.

My brother downloaded Toy Story 3 from the net. We watched it. I said I wasn't going to cry at the end.

Guess who let out the water works again. If you guessed my bro, you are wrong. I did end up crying again. BUT IT'S JUST SO SAD DX

So remember:

-my brother

-My best friend C.J when I say something weird.


I wish I could do this!

This is just awesome. 'nuff said, I'll update the actual blog later ;D

Curse you Internal Alarm Clock!!

Mood: Content
Currently: on Yesterland

So, it's break! That means wakey up late timez amiright? WRONG! Since I was little, I always woke up on time for things. No one had to wake me up, I never needed an alarm clock. I guess I got so used to waking up at seven that even though I'm on break, I STILL WAKE UP AROUND SEVEN. Let Cheezcake sleep late dammit DX

But anyways, I went to the orthodontist today, still have to wear the retainer. But I want to get the molds of my teeth that I got at the beginning of my braces career. :D It would be cool to have because my teeth were horrible.

But in the end it was totally worth it because my teeth are all straight and awesome ;D

So remember:

-my brother

You guys rock!

I can't survive without ice cream

Mood: Feeling a bit sick
Currently: RPing through email with YamiHita and watching Invader Zim.

I hate cleaning. I just hate it. Too much work for me. AND MY BROTHER DROPPED MY DAMN MASHED POTATOES. FOR THAT HE MUST DIE.

Yeah... Today is kinda the first "official" day of break. So I've been on the internet and playing pokemon the whole day. I think I was very productive.

So Remember:
--various people

You guys are awesome!

That there door to the light!

Mood: Tired
Currently: Watching Hetalia

Okay! So my mom bought me a lanyard for my key so I'll stop losing it! :D It's a Jack Skellington Lanyard too! I also got new pajamas with frogs and ducks, the Hetalia english dub DVD and some pizza. :D

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, didn't have time because of my lovely family. I started playing SoulSilver again, and I'm training all of my pokemon because they are way underleveled. Once I'm done I'm taking on the league!

Enough of Pokemon, I've also started playing Kingdom Hearts II again. That's where that there title comes from I believe.

So remember:

disembodied lips are SCARY!

Have a lovely day!