Car Driving...My first time...WHY?!

Currently: GAAAAAAAAH!

So just now, at the tender age of turning fifteen on Saturday, I was forced to drive in an empty parking lot by my house. Sure, I knew just going to Sunmart to buy a newspaper and a bag of cheetos was too good to be true. How did it go?

I cried the WHOLE fucking time.

Yeah. I hated it. I'm not sure why but I did. I never ever ever ever want to drive again. I will go to Neverland so I can just fly everywhere. I don't care, you're not stopping me! Now I'm sulking writing on my blag and eating cheetos. And it's not helping as much as I hoped. Not even the smooth voices of Morgan Freeman and the Old Spice guy can do anything right now...

-(a very sad) Cheezcake
